Homily Grits Ministries

We have been called to minister the Word through Structurally Sound, Soul Enriching Daily Devotions that make practical applications of the Word of God for everyday people and everyday living. We supply these Devotional Books Free and postage paid in any quantity available to any Prison Chaplain who writes.

Colossians 1:9 (NLT) - We ask God to give you a complete understanding of what he wants to do in your lives, and we ask him to make you wise with spiritual wisdom.

Who We Are

A Lay Ministry of the Word writing and publishing daily devotions distributed daily via the internet and through books published by this ministry. Our books have been recommended by Chip Ingram of Living on the Edge and President of "Walk Thru the Bible". We have written the devotions for "Portals of Prayer" for the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod to be published November, 2006.

Our Vision

To convict, encourage, and help believers and non believers alike to grow into the fullness of Christ by growing in the Word of God through written practical applications of the Word.

Types Of Activity

We publish and distribute the books free of charge to prisons upon request of Chaplain. And are currently offering free Power Choir Revival Worship DVD, and Dr. Bruce Wilkinson's DVD curriculum of The Prayer of Jabez Free.


We presently have placed over 5000 books in some 30 prisons throughout the United States.

Books we have published

Homioly Grits, Robert VanHoose, 100 pages;
Homily Grits 2, Robert VanHoose, 100 pages.
Homily Grits Daily Discipline of Applied Truth and Proactive Prayer, Robert VanHoose, 376 pages.
Homily Grits 4 Robert VanHoose 376 pages
Homily Grits 5 Robert VamHoose 376 pages
Homily Grits 6 Robert VanHoose376
Let's Walk Robert VanHoose67 pages
Managing Robert VanHooseWell 55 pages
Special Edition Prayer of Jabez DVD Curriculum with Dr. Bruce Wilkinson

About Our Prison Ministry

We are a financially self supporting ministry trying to be faithful to the Great Commandment and
Great Commission to Love Others and Make Disciples

Support In

That The Lord will lead other chaplains to order these free resources so that the Grace of God might flow through them and into the hearts of all who read or hear them.


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