Kingdom Family Outreach Coalition & Ministries

2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new crearture: the old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Who We Are

We are a collaborative network of Christians from all walks of life who outreach both by community outreach and institutional evangelical outreach to the ex-offender. Our ministry was founded this past year October of 2006. Our founder Evangelist Liana Santos-Greene whom once was an ex-offender, alcoholic, drug-addict founded this organization to minister to the ex-offender .

Our Vision

is to encourage, train and support local churches in building their capacity to more effectively minister to prisoners, ex-prisoners in transition, and their families. To empower local church communities to take a risk on the ex-offender, to educate the Local Church Community Leaders & their staff on how to effectively mentor both men and female ex-offenders, to assist with training staff in awareness and effective approaches in prison ministry.

Types Of Activity

We develop a plan with the individuals so that they can be successful in making the transition. We have support group in place to maintain a continuum for the individual to be able to process the transition into the local community and curriculum in place that addresses relapse prevention. We maintain a good working relationship with the local parole division and state entities to continue to provide support and obtain information.


Southwest Region of Texas. Texas Department of Corrections. We work collaboratively with Overcomers Recovery Support Program and Kairos Prison Ministry.

Support In

We need more male & Female mentors for the male & female ex-offenders coming out. Our website prayerfully up & running by the end of the year 2007. Thank You and God Bless!


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