Who We Are
I promote friendship through letter writing and the love of God and teachings of Jesus Christ. My joy in the Lord has led me have love and interest in helping others! The prisoners are not the only ones in chains! I discovered I had them too! But now I know how to get loose of them! I begin every day with prayer and an hour of Bible study. I encourage the women in prison to make time in the Word a priority each day!
Our Vision
I hope to educate Christians and bring health and healing through the Lord to the women in prison by offering friendship through this letter writing ministry. I want to take an educational program to the local churches first, with the premise that every Christian church should have a prison ministry, and join with others to go inside. I advocate for the women if I hear about abuse inside, and feel a need for more watch people for the people behind bars.
Types Of Activity
I have a web site where I post pictures and stories of some of the women I write to (click on link). I am very busy writing letters and hear from new women in prison all the time. I am available to do public speaking in order to educate people in the local churches and find more friends in Christ for the women and men behind bars. Please contact me if you would like to sponsor a lecture at your church or center on 'Prison Pen-pal Ministry, Letters for Women'.
Tehachapi California. Please contact me if you are in the Tehachapi area and minister or would like to minister to those at the Tehachapi prison.
About Our Prison Ministry
Prisoners suffer extreme depression and lonliness. It is my goal to help through friendship developed in letters, to help the woman in the depths of the pit and encourage them in turning to the Lord! I have seen women who were without hope become full of light of God! I also try to help them find more friends.
Support In
Please pray that the hearts of all Christians will move to embrace those behind bars! There is a great need for many, many more to minister to those behind bars, carrying the message of the gospel and the soon return of our Lord!
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