Who We Are
In brief, my ministry was established in 1997. God helped me to preach the Gospel among the native tribes and now, a church is growing there. Many of the local people have been saved in the Lord and others are coming to the Kingdom of God. Dedicated to planting Churches, reach into needy children and helping prison inmates gain a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Our Vision
Our Vision is to grow the Kingdom of Heaven. While we do minister in Churches and Christian schools as well as prisons, we have seen that the people are truly "white unto harvest." They are the most outwardly receptive audiences to the Gospel and the truth of the Lord. We are available and willing to minister... we just need to arrange it! Reach into many unsaved people every year an encourage to the leaders, planting Churches and Provide inmates Biblical Studies Courses and Christian materials.
Types Of Activity
Bibles, Church service, vocational training, Bible Materials, Bibles Studies all around the Nation and native countries and Pen Pal Ministry, Theraputic Advise, Family Support and Victim Support.
To raise the needy and hopeless children give shelter and education.
To an encourage to the leaders and pastors through different programs.
Church planting into diferent parts of Nepal.
Nepal ( All 75 districts in Nepal), Bhutan, India. Inmates incarcerated in almost every state here in the Nepal. This is our vision and Burden for the glory of God and forHis Kingdom.
Our magazine (newsletter)
My Hope after Goals, Love letter.About Our Prison Ministry
Formed in 2009 by Pastor, Prem and mrs Elisa thapa, Global River Church Ministries Nepal. Provides Spiritual - Physical prayer help and Biblical materials to the believrs and unbelievers along with to inmates. We work close with all Lord's people whose heart leads by the Lord Holy spirit that the unreached people and inmates receive tracts at no cost. We are looking for partners and supporters to assist us in this developing country in Nepal.
Support In
This ministry receives assistance from USA ( GRCI ) outside source since 2009. The areas of skill training and development acquisition of Bibles and Bible literature, courses, sewing machines, carpentry tools, Computers. Donations may be sent to our USA International office ( GRCI ). We are in need of Bibles and others very best Christian metarials and your precious prayer help.
Contact PrisonMinistry.net regarding this listing