The Gathering Generation

The Gathering is a non-profit organization focused on the holistic salvation of mankind. Striving to build spiritual foundations on Christ, as well as to develop people mentally, educationally, socially, emotionally and otherwise.

Our office is located in Curepe but the majority of our work is currently directed to to the communities of east Port of Spain

2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new crearture: the old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Who We Are

The Gathering is a non-profit organization focused on the holistic salvation of inmates. Striving to build spiritual foundations on Christ, as well as to develop people mentally, educationally, socially, emotionally and otherwise.

Our Vision

To be used by The Lord as instruments of change to the troubled areas of the country, areas where for a number of reasons most people will not go. We desire to reach those who have been outcast and feared by the the majority of the population.

Types Of Activity

We use any number of means to accomplish the above works, from music, to drama, networking, counseling, biblical teaching, and other community activities.


We will go anywhere where we have opportunity and invitation to go.

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I don't know where to start. Just pray.


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