International Network of Prison Ministries

Home of 4919 Prison Ministries, Chaplains, Ministry Volunteers
and Helpful Ministry Resources in 113 countries.

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1Samuel 17:29 - there not a cause?...

International Directory of Prison Ministries started back in 1994 as a simple webpage. Our good Lord is blessing this ministry and it has grown into several thousand members world-wide outreach in just a decade.

Here is what INPM members have to say personally to you on reasons to join this Directory. Read, pray, and join as "Supporter", "Member", "Supported Ministry", "Guest" or "Friends and Family of Inmates".

All the blessings!

An addiction and rehabilitation facility that needed some volunteer chaplains contacted me after seeing this INPM Network and I ministered there on a monthly basis for 10 years!

Are Church accepts Ex-felons. The pastor and many of our members have been to prison. Join INPM to find minded-alike ministries world-wide.

As a full time vocational art instructor in a maximum security institution, I became acutely aware of the need for more spiritual support in the prison system. I began my own inspirational ministry using what I know best. Now I am a part of INPM for more exposure and involvement with other ministries.

As a survivor of incest and domestic violence, if it were not but for the grace of God I would today be in a prison. It is the one reason why I am so grateful to be a member of INPM.

As we joined in with INPM we have been promoted to the International level.

At a recent board meeting of an International Prison Ministry, the speaker noted that prison ministries were one of the two most effective and vibrant outreach in this country. Join is in this ministry, by becoming a part of INPM!

At INPM we have recieved great exposure and many networking ministry opportunities, found prayer partners and support and become part of a network of advocates for those incarcerated.

At INPM you will find prayer partners and support.

At INPM you will get great exposure and many networking ministry opportunities

At INPM you will get great exposure and many networking ministry opportunities

At INPM you will get great exposure and many networking ministry opportunities.

At INPM you will get great exposure and many networking ministry opportunities.

Because it would be a blessing to help others

Because we care for you and your needs! We will not judge you, but only Love and Pray for you! Join INPM to be a part of this Network!4. Transitional Re-entry Program: Adult individuals who are incarcerated, but eligible for parole, or who have been released from a penal institution and need residential housing will benefit from this program,

Beyond The Sunset Prison Ministry believes the International Network of Prison Ministries is a Network of Advocates throughout the World, I believe that our Ministry will receive the level of support that we seek to make our vision a reality through this partnership.

Bridges4Change believes the International Network of Prison Ministries is a Network of Advocates throughout the World, who have a passion to make positive changes in the world. With God's hand in all that we do, I know that the Goals will surely be met. Without GOD and HIS Supporting the INPM, many Organizations trying to help the less fortunate men, women and youth, would not be able to do so.

By joining hands with INPM, the work of Pearls of Value Prison Ministry will become known to people from all over the world and their prayers, support and donations will ensure success for the work of this organization. I have no doubt in my mind that by partnering with INPM, this Ministry will receive the level of support that is required to make our vision a reality.

By joining hands with INPM, the work of Pearls of Value Prison Ministry will become known to people from all over the world and their prayers, support and donations will ensure success for the work of this organization. I have no doubt in my mind that by partnering with INPM, this Ministry will receive the level of support that is required to make our vision a reality.

By joining hands with INPM, the work of this Ministry will become known to people from all over the world and their prayers, support and donations will ensure success for the work of this organization. I have no doubt in my mind that by partnering with INPM, this Ministry will receive the level of support that is required to make our vision a reality.

By joining INPM we receive a world-wide exposure in the field of Prison Ministry. We are getting new friends, new ministry openings, we build relations and connections with prison ministries that we have never heard before. Join us!

By joining INPM you become a part of world wide movement of minded-alike miniseries and churches.

By joining with INPM the need to keep abreast of innovative ideas and initiatives in order to provide the best opportunities for these men is fulfilled. Networking with those in this field keep me motivated.

By joining world-wide Network of INPM we are linked with people of like mind who may also want to partner with us.

By networking, we can freely and gladly reach our goals unhindered.

Canadian ministry with word exposure - what is what we are with INPM.

CBGNBM decided to join the INPM after reviewing the site, meeting some of the prison ministry members and finding such unity, compassion and motivation to help others, less fortunate. We want to be a part of God's servants throughout the world.

Collaboration and networking is what you get by joining INPM.

Come join us on the journey of a lifetime. I challenge you to have beautiful feet.

Compassion Works Ministry is delighted to be a member of the International Network of Prison Ministry and have the opportunity through this organization to witness, testify, inform, and to serve in God's service! We pray that God continues to greatly bless this organization and it's members!

Connectivity with other Ministries and Christians and to let people know who we are and what you do - that is what Serge Taran and his INPM gives your ministry.

Encouraging Ministries, Inc success with INPM has been by the Divine Order of God - it was by no happen-stance that we found such a God driven network of international ministries with the same vision and connecting together for strength, wisdom and more understanding in order for us to provide hope and encouragement to those individuals behind the walls to whom much is needed!

Every single soul matters, you can make a difference. Join us at INPM, let's do it together!

Excited to be a part of INPM!

For over 20 years Less Than The Least Ministries' volunteers have been bringing church services (praise, worship and word), testimonies, 3-day revivals, Bible studies, baptisms, and discipleship classes into several units of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

For Recognition, networking and the need for ministries to come together to be even more effective in changing lives of men and women who are incarcerated, join INPM today!

For the unity of men and woman all over the world coming together to advocate for justice, family reunification, stability and productivity we have joined INPM.

For years I search for answers to biblically solutions to addictions. 20 years after the conception of Turning to God from Idols, God gave me the opportunity to publish. With INPM I have a world audience.

Friends the Word, coupled with personal testimonies, has Power! Join us at INPM!

Get help to help others

God put this ministry on hearts and has been a blessing ever since we have joined this Network.

Godly reputation of INPM and worldwide exposure for ministry - is what you get if you join INPM.

Great networking opportunity and worldwide community of christian ministries and organizations with the same motivation and hope, to work in His garden.

Help inmates realize that they can have freedom even being behind bars.

Her at INPM we are a team ministry and we have seen thousands men, women, boys and girls, receive Christ as their savior, we have seen many delivered from demonic oppression, and many receive healing through our team involvement both in prison and on the mission field.

Here at INPM you will find GOD'S word and nothing but GOD'S word to lead and direct Christian and non-Christian seekers of the truth. The truth that will set you free.

History is made by joining together in movement of INPM for the betterment of humanity.

Homelessness, incarceration, poverty, sparse job history due to limited education, joblessness, despair, loneliness, and suicide are on the rise. Not Forsaken Missions are determined to make a positive difference in the lives of these people, one person at a time. At INPM we have found many ministries with the same goal and vision.

I always love to share the things with other ministries and churches. So several days before I found out this ministry's site, I was so blessed to see INPM works. So I decided to be a part of this ministry. This ministry is really working great for God. We wish them every success during all their lives to perform their duties.

I am a new member of INPM looking to meet others who do prison and jail ministry and exchange ideas for mentoring.

I am a parent of an incarcerated child and this is the first kind of support that I have found of any kind. My husband and I have gone through so much trying to support our son in his time of need it has been very exhausting mentally and physically. Join INPM to be needed, and to hep other's.

I am a prison reform activist supporting scrutiny into abuse issues, hoping to initiate awareness, bring about reform of the penal system, and initiate a change in public persona regarding the general prison inmate populace.

I am a retired teacher and a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe in the great commision to spread the gospel to every creature.

I am encourage to to join INPM because I believe that this ministry helps us to be more productive in this area.

I am excited to join INPM because of the vastness of resources I have been reading about. Just to know there are so many ministries all over that are passionate about Jesus' call to minister to Him behind bars is refreshing and inspiring. Networking opportunities are endless and incredible prayer support available. I am looking forward to the Divine Appointments the Lord has planned through INPM...INPM is a wonderful gift to those of us called to minister to this sometimes forgotten group.

I am glad that the Prison Ministry Network is going strong. With millions of people incarcerated in the United States alone, this type of ministry in invaluable, as it provides simple access to us, participating ministries, for those who need help. I want to be helpful and accessible. It was my reason to join.

I am greatly thank God for Prison Ministries Network, it really help me to introduce my ministry to many people around the world, I appreciate for their great effort for introduce us to get fellowship and find some support through this Network.

I am joining this International Network of Prison Ministry in order to unite with other Ministries across the globe who are working ceaselessly to help bring light to darkness.

I am new to INPM but I look forward to becoming a blessing to each person God sends our way. He will make a way in the desert where there is no way. Our Success lies solely in Jesus Christ. Our desire is to offer creative ideas for fund raising to Prison Ministries as we endeavor to help as the Lord opens the doors.

I am so thankful that God has raised up this internationally recognized networking ministry that is being used by Him to connect the dots in the body of Christ, through prison ministry. INPM has made it possible for thousands of prison ministries, prison Chaplains, prison inmates as well as their friends and families to connect for Kingdom purposes that otherwise would not be possible. I am so appreciative and honored to be a member of INPM.

I am so thankful to come accross a network of Prison ministries. Up to this point, we have been developing a grass-roots ministry purely on our own. We are so excited to be a part of team, striving for the same purposes. I will spread the word about INPM to everyone in my sphere of influence!

I am very much interested in Prison Ministry and Children Ministry as well as evangelism. The knowledge gained from the Network will be of great help to me in my ministry. It will also afford me the opportunity of meeting and interacting with many great and seasoned men of God. And be able to learn and share from their wealth of experiences. I will have the opportunity to learn in order to help others.

I began a writing ministry to inmates in 1989, very much alone. In 1999, God made a way to get online. I met a few other like minded kindred spirits. After Christian Pen Pals was established on the web, I came across INPM, and I was so excited to have this available! It is ideal for the work I do, I refer to the web site often, looking for after-care help for inmates; the cross search is great! All Christians involved with inmates, I recommend that you become a member of this group.

I enjoy belonging to INPM because Prison Ministry is not limited by denomination and I feel that our "Vision of Hope" gets a good bit of exposure through INPM network. Not all of our churches have a strong Prison Ministry program. We can pray that as I educate more people about the need for a strong Prison Ministry program and as I train new people for this work that they will take my recommendation for INPM Network to heart and use it to the fullest of its capacity.

I enjoy the fellowship and encouragement that prison ministries of INPM offer. We all need encouragement of our peers, and the prayers offered are always welcome.

I feel the best reason to join is that through INPM is the best way to spread the Word Of The Lord To Hurting Souls Across The World.

I got life together after prison with God so let us help you

I had the call to Ministry after spend some years leaving in Europe UK. After returning to my home town or back home I travelled to one of the African country called Ivory Coast. Now, through INPM, I can reach the world.

I have a daily devotional book, and INPM is helping me to find those who need it.

I have been a member of this site for many years! I praise God for ministries such as this that help us in not only advocating towards our needs but also providing us with spiritual guidance in many ways.

I have been blessed by God to be able to lead Bible Studies in the prison. I am sharing my experience with the world of prison ministries through INPM.

I have been Blessed to find this Ministry share The Glory of God's mercy to those who are in bonds.

I have been involved with the prison ministry for some years now and I happen to come across your site while searching for some information. I believe your site will be a great tool toward our work for God and His Kingdom.

I have been providing room and board to homeless men, some from jail. Some are so institutional they find it hard to cope with society, some needs guidance. For this reason I would like to join INPM so you will be able to provide me with proper guidance and resources, and assisted us with the funds to run an effective program.

I have been wanting to join INPM for quite some time. I have known ministries that their list of concerns included not wanting to or seeing the need to join other organizations for numerous reasons. However, it has been my experience that if we continue to isolate ourselves it can be counter productive to any vision. Becoming a member of INPM is a major step in building a global team united through Jesus Christ as many members, one body.

I have burning desire and burden for my people in Nepal those who are away from God's presence and do not have hope in their life. By joining INPM I want to meet Prison Ministries worldwide.

I have heard from many prisoners thought the INPM, so come join us and you will be blessed.

I have joined INPM for one selfish and one not-so-selfish reasons.

In my quest for legitimacy in the volunteer chaplain ministry, I plan to add this organization to my resume.
And, secondly, to be available others in fellowship and support.

I have joined INPM in order to reach out to those who are incarcerated. Our ministry currently ministers to eight inmates in various prisons throughout the U.S. We have had great success and look forward to ministering to as many as those inside as we can. We hope in future to be able to supply them with study materials, free Bibles, etc.

I have joined this International Network of Prison Ministries in order to unite with other Ministries around the world who are working hard to demonstrate the love of Jesus to inmates.

I have known some of the leaders of this INPM ministry since the 1980's & they have always acted in the greatest integrity of any one I have ever known.

I have truly been blessed by being a member of INPM. I have met some mighty prayer warriors and have been blessed with awesome pen-pals along with the friendship of others who share the same vision and mission of sharing the gospel with those who are incarcerated. I have enjoyed the people as well as the resources.

I have written a prayer for my brother at this website INPM and I found it is read by many. I joined INPM to be heard.

I INPM will help many people find the right place, the right ministry, or church to help them gain a better understanding of the will and love of God. We at New Life C.O.M wants to be a major part of this uplifting goal God has given to INPM.

I join INPM so I can get help and maybe help someone myself in the prison ministry field.

I joined INPM and became more empowered for reaching prisoners.

I joined INPM and get their certificate so I can be recognized all over the world by people that are in the same ministry with us and all that it may concern.

I joined INPM for world-wide recognition and to show my certificate of membership for my own ministry.

I joined INPM so that I can reach more prisoners and to get the word out to everyone, who needs someone out here loves them and cares for their salvation.

I joined INPM to carry the message of hope and faith to those who are seeking help from the Network members.

I joined this INPM ministry so that my messages of hope could reach the world, to reach out to you, the donor who helps maintain and grow this ministry.

I joined this Ministry because I wanted to help any and all inmates if possible. The gift that God gave me into Prison Ministry to show his love because we never know where we might end up at. It's best to love all people and to join this Ministry Network open doors to help each other, to help a inmate some where in the world. It's great to be apart of this Net Work. Thanks to you at Net for such wonderful site.

I know that always all of us need each other there is things that I am disable when you are able
thus the reason to join INPM for ministry materials and the sharing of vision.

I looked closely at the membership and knew from the list of members of INPM, my ministry would be a blessing and would receive a blessing in return.

I love Ministry and to connect with others with INPM!

I once was in Prison and now I want to help others become all that God has called them to be. I found a tool - INPM!

I prepare gathering's yearly for women who are transitioning and have transitioned out of bondage situations. Through all events I establish the recognition to Live. To empower the demon that has supernatural misunderstanding over my god's children, to return and submit to the pit of hell from whense it comes in Jesus name. To take control over demon's of mental grasp and the hold that it has on the women of god; to sleep and not awaken,without a doubt that god will reign above all.

I proudly joined the network of prison ministries because God has afforded me to minister to individuals as such without ever having had this personal testimony for myself. The very first time God allowed me to minister at a prison 12 souls were saved to the kingdom. I exchanged my information with the intimates and begin writing letters back and forth giving bibilical answers through the writings.

I receive letters from women in prison that make my heart grow. Many are doing Bible study and growing in Christ. It all started to grow after I joined INPM and found many other pen-pal ministries.

I thank God that our paths can be crossed through INPM,we have been enriched with the acquaintance with.we respect INPM very highly and the fact that it is biblically based.

I want to pour into these female inmates and help them find hope. INPM is not only a Directory, but great source of information, how ministries speak about their vision, goals, services.

I want to work for God at the prison ministry and through this organization of INPM I have many friends world-wide.

I was a resident for 6 years at Marion Correctional. Christ used Kairos to change my life and blessed me everyday with the knowledge that He loves me and forgives me. He has led me and taught me to become who I am today and I praise His Holy name daily. With INPM now I can do more ministry with more prayer partners.

I was born and raised in the Jewish faith, and in December of 2001, the Holy Spirit paid me a visit and deeply convicted me of my sins. At that moment I gave my life to Christ, and He has always shown me what His truth is. I have been recently been ordained a Prophet of the Lord, and have a deliverance and healing ministry ordained by God.

I was called into fulltime Christian service by God at the age of 15 and I will be 73 this year. I have been licensed and ordained as a minister. My determination is to continue in service until God calls me home. Before retirement, I financed this ministry but now need extra help and somehow, all needs are met each month. I receive help in gaining more inmates to sent Bible lessons to through INPM. Praise God for their ministry.

I was impressed by Karlton Harris Ministries, and the accomplishments made, and inspired to further my goal to establish New Beginning Ministries here in Milwaukee. I have found this Network as a good start.

I was introduced to INPM through NVO Ministries. As a former full-time Jail/Prison Liaison in Atlanta Georgia, and a former child of a prisoner, I became acutely aware of the overwhelming need for more spiritual support in the prison system.

I went to prison in 2005, and 2006 and studied the Bible and know the Word of God and can preach to the inmates and let them hear the Gospel. I joined INPM to find other family prison ministries, and I am glad, I did!

I would first like to say, that if it wasn't for the inspired Word of God, and how He has blessed me with this opportunity to spread His Message of Salvation and to help those who would otherwise be left to the devils whims I am blessed that INPM is available to help us spread our ministry to those in need.

I would love to join to link with international organisations, enter into a full time ministry position. I see prison ministry as my abundance as advancing God's kingdom is my main focus. God gives up on no-body, every prisoner deserves another chance!

I'm a member of INPM to be a part this world-wide Prison Ministry movement, to help others and to be helped.

I'm Intern Mandy. Tonight I sat at my terminal searching out prison artists through prison penpal websites. It felt like a betrayal somehow, because we've received letters from prison artists who tell of expensive penpal site fees that yielded no results.

In the third page of search results I came across INPM. I cannot describe the feeling that washed over me; a calming lull and presence that prompted me to know that my search was over: INPM

I'm joining INPM to be a part of this network and to display a Certificate of Membership on my own prison ministry site.

If Christ is the king of your life, you have a direct order to visit the lost souls in prison. Join us at INPM as they fulfill such a rewarding and necessary work!

If someone is called to do prison Ministry anywhere in Tanzania, he can see on this website and make contact with us and help to start prison ministry near him or her , and if someone wants to visit Tanzania, help Prison ministry in Tanzania, he can find contact and contact us. to support Ministry in Tanzania or to ask any information he would like to know about prison Ministry

If you are interesting in moving out of the box of what is common and traditional and stepping out in faith in life and work in areas that will require all the faith you have, then this is a place for you.

If you are looking for people interested in pen pal fellowship with prisoners that are Christians or lost, join us at INPM.

If you are looking forward to networking with other ministries so that we can continue to help each other - join INPM!

If you are looking to be able to network with other like minded jail and prison ministries and work together for the Glory of God by spreading the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - become a part of INPM.

If you are Looking to Expand your outreach to prisoners, because Christ and the Spirit make for real transformation and change - join INPM. At New Life Radio Moscow we need financial help to pay for satellite channels and our Moscow studio operations, and our past partners in Prison ministry have stopped doing satellite installations in prisons, and we need new partners to take up where they left off.

If you are seeing the work in other ministries that have joined and we want to join the team and bring unity to the body of Christ - join INPM.

If you are seeking mentors that are committed to help ex-offenders to make the right decisions and realize their purpose under God - join us here at INPM.

If you desire to desire to help in spreading to gospel and help in any way and be a support the helps ministry, come with INPM.

If you have someone, or know of someone, that has been incarcerated, and are in need of spiritual support and uplifting - join INPM, like we did to learn and to share the ministry.

If you love to Network, join us!

If you need:

- Learning to experience God's love in our lives
- Making a decision to repent, to confess our sins, and receive forgiveness
- Being willing to help other people, without expecting any credit for it, as a member of God's Kingdom.


If you want to be assisted and active in the ministry, join INPM!

If you want to get in contact with hundreds of prisoners around the world join us at INPM.

If you want to help all of our brothers and sisters in jails and prisons to put Christ in their life, to help them to get back into society, get them closer to God - join us at INPM!

If you want to help good people learn about God Christ - join INPM.

If you want to team up with doers of God's Word and not just hearers only - go with INPM! Funding for Feed My Sheep Ministries

If you would like to have availability to contact new clients, donors, friends, and supporters - come with us, with INPM.

If your ministry is on the call of God on life and all the men who continue to respond to the turn out of services and alter calls, like our Break Bread Prison Outreach - join INPM.

In 2010 Silent Ministries initiated a program for rural areas called The Infusion Project. The results have been phenomenal. The ministry provides workshops in-house jails and prisons. Here at INPM we can share our approach with potential volunteers, churches and donors.

In order to inter learn together / reach out to the forgetting ones in prison - come and join INPM.

Inclusion with INPM allows us to be visible to more individuals.

INIPM mambership gives you a Certificate of Membership and World-wide recognition.

INPM - has helped me to get world wide recognition by prison ministers and exposed to various friendsto the project , keep it up please.

INPM by far the Best Prison Ministry site on the web.

INPM gives us a window to the world of prison ministries to assist us in our mission and help us become known around the country. An exciting resource for our foundation.

INPM gives you a Certificate of membership for building the network of like minded individuals.There is strength in joining with like-minded individuals. Provides an accountability for any actions taken with a very valuable Code Of Ethics for Professionals who are involved in the rewarding work of ministering to those individuals who have often been forgotten by general society here in America.

INPM gives you access to thousands of prison ministries worldwide and is a safe site to use.

INPM has afforded us world-wide recognition and has opened the door for even greater works for Christ.

INPM has allowed us to join together with the ministries that are doing the same work with juveniles as we do. Enabling us to network and have more resources at hand.

INPM has been a wonderful site. I have contacted many interesting people who love the Lord and we have become friends. I would encourage all to be part of this ministry of INPM..God bless you.

INPM has been an excellent tool in connecting our ministry with those in need around the globe! INPM is a great way to get exposure for your ministry on the world wide web! I highly recommend this great network!

INPM has been our trusted partner in our ministry to inmates and we are very thankful to the LORD for our association with them. We are looking forward to a lasting relationship whereby many more books relevant for inmates will be written and published world-wide for them to read and benefit from them. We will partner with INPM to distribute these books to them.

INPM has generated letters to MTWT from all over the world. Through those letters, I have learned that government/taxpayer money does not feed the prisoners in some places abroad. This knowledge makes me pray for the day that, should Americans have to personally feed the prisoners from their own cupboards, the incarcerated would not starve.

INPM has given the opportunity to Guadalupe Ministry to reach people like you! If you are reading this , It is no accident! Please join with us in reaching an inmate by writing the inmate, and if you can or choose to, visit the inmate. Your letters are like Gold to an inmate who has no one! Your reward will be far greater than anything you can get on this Earth. I assure you, you will be rewarded in Heaven!

INPM has given us a great opportunity to partner with other prison ministries and to receive the support we desperately need in our prison ministry.

INPM has helped our ministries-Christian Motorsports and Prison Victory-to network worldwide effecting eternal changes for the cause of Christ in the earth.

INPM has opened many new doors for ECS to offer our courses to inmates through individuals and chaplains. The exciting opportunities INPM offers through networking has resulted in an increase in new enrollments that we normally would not have been able to connect with.

INPM has provided a way for others to join this ministry as financial and/or active members.

INPM helps you to hare with others in the same field.

INPM is a blessing for a ministry in the prison minister. The INPM makes our ministry reach places It never could before.

INPM is a community of Believers serving a common cause for Jesus. As we agree, nothing shall be impossible for us, a team!

INPM is a great opportunity to practice humanity without expectation of return.

INPM is a great organization that provides a voice for countless ministries doing the work in the Lords vineyard, ministries like ourselves that that would go on regardless because of the love of God's people, however through the support of an organization like INPM, we have the capability to network and reach millions worldwide. Grow not weary and be encouraged because Jesus is Lord!

INPM is a great place to come and join In ministry and has been a great help with our Ministry Outreach. Please contact INPM and sign up today you will not regret it.

INPM is a great platform to communicate with other locals who involved in the same outreach.

INPM is a great platform to meet other labors in the field. It provides valuable information that is beneficial to both those who serve the incarcerated and ex-offenders as well as the incarcerated and ex-offenders.

INPM is a great way to bring fellow ministry partners together to communicate and educate each other on resources available in this industry.

INPM is a great way to obtain jot

INPM is a springboard to each many who are interested in knowing the Lord Christ Jesus. Heart Surrender Ministry Inc. appreciates all they have done.

INPM is a tremendous way to connect and network with the rest of the kingdom of God to tell the Good News.

INPM is a unique opportunity for like-spirited people to fellowship and collaborate in a special area of ministry near to the heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ. As an entity focused on promoting unity among the organizations promoting Caribbean Restorative Justice, C.U.R.B. applauds the work of INPM and encourages all persons and organizations ministering to offenders, crime survivors and their families to join INPM!

INPM is a window to the world. There heartfelt support of Prison Ministries has set the bar. Only with INPM can you advertise to the whole world, free, and attract quality candidates. I urge anyone who cares about the world, God, and his children to join INPM.

INPM is a wonderful blessing for prison ministries, giving them a free website page for their ministry, which they would most likely not be able to afford on their own!

INPM is a wonderful community! Here you will find new friends in Prison Ministry and you will be able to reach more inmates through new connections and ideas.

INPM is a wonderful resource for those involved in the many aspects of prison ministry. By joining, we are able to make contacts and be more effective in the ministry.

INPM is a wonderful way to spread the Good News worldwide to those locked away out of sight and forgotten by many.

INPM is an awesome demonstration of the Body of Christ in Prison Ministry.

INPM is an great opportunity for Gospel Tracts WOW and Ministries who want to reach people for Jesus Christ! - Christians praying for you and your needs. More people know about your ministry.

INPM is an opportunity to reach someone in prison or their families. It is the best reason to join. Also, to have the invaluable help of others who have been at this longer than I have.

INPM is not just a Directory, but a great Networking tool. We joined INPM in 2006, and we found many friends, prayer partners and supporters here, who come to our Weekends, Champions for Life conducts around the country.

INPM is providing the vehicle which can bring the power of God to bear in the lives of those who are in desperate need of those "Living Waters" that will change lives, and eternities.

INPM is such a blessing for so many. What better way to bring the Good News to all in need of God's Divine Mercy!

INPM is such a wonderful way for those of like faith to meet! Ever since I signed up, I've never felt like I was the only prison ministry on the planet, like I used to. God's best to all of you as you reach a nation of people that much of society has forgotten, and those that are truly on God's heart. Join us now!

INPM is the best of Social Networking to those in prison ministries.

INPM is the group to make you visible to the world.

INPM is the most widely recognized website bringing Christian prison related ministries into unity on the Internet. Every agency involved in working with offenders should consider becoming a member of this reputable international network!

INPM is very good media to pass our prayer points to so many friends. Every day we feel that we have prayer supporters from many nations. This is because of INPM.

INPM is your opportunity to reach out and minister to anyone in prison, and be part of a network with those that have the same goal.

INPM offers its members a great gift of Grace, to publish their ministries on line. For Divine Mercy Ministry, which is just beginning to reach out into the community, it's a real blessing from the Father.

INPM offers many opportunities to partner with you in-prison network. Prison is a hard place filled with hate, anger, depression, and loneliness. Many prison inmates have been "set free" spiritually, however, and now are assured that because God has accepted Christ's payment for their sins, they are now forgiven and justified. They have new life in Christ, and hope for the future!

INPM provides support and worldwide fellowship for prison ministry. It is a wonderful resource and source of information.

INPM represents everyone that is concerned with helping those who are incarcerated. We share this mission!

INPM Stand for what I stand for, to bridge the gap between the offender and his adversary. INPM stand to bring the whole world to my attention and to link me with some one in need to encourage me. Thank God for this wonderful vision. Thank God for the staff.

Interested in world impact from your desktop? Join INPM!

International Network of Prison Ministries has been an incredible blessing and we get lots of prayer requests from family members with loved ones in prison or jail. Have even had offers from people who want to help. One woman who found us on your site recently wrote asking how she could help and she lives in the same town. We are very grateful for this vehicle to get the word out about our ministry!

International Network of Prison Ministries has opened a door for me so that Central Arkansas Prison Ministries can grow and develop into a ministry that mirrors the message of Jesus.

irina solovyova

It has been a God given desire to pray for inmates and their families, to have a prison ministry as apart of this INPM ministry and I thank God for this opportunity to do so.

It has been a great opportunity for us to be associated to INPM. We are now able to connect with the like minded people and get prayer support from all INPM members.

It is a Blessing to be a part of something giant line INPM, and have a word audience.

It is the truth. The mission of INPM, is a mission for the Lord.

It is time that for ministries who labor for the Lord Jesus Christ to work together! Come to be a part of INPM!

It is wonderful to be part of INPM. It gives us an opportunity to reach out much further through networking. It gives Kingsway website creditability when we can display the certificate of membership on our site. Think about how much broader your outreach could be with your connection of the 100's of other ministries at INPM.

It's a very good platform to engage with other ministries in the different parts of the World and learn be eclectic to enhance work in our Lord's vineyard.

Jesus clearly tells us that we are to visit those who are in prison. We are a part of INPM to join with Prison Ministries, to offer our help and to be helped. Combined efforts by a larger Christian community is a truly blessed and wonderful thing to witness.

Jesus invented Networking to reach the world through people like me and you. He commissioned "believers" to go make 'disciples'. What a better way to reach out to the least of these in prison, their families, and victims of crime. The INPM group is an effective ministry tool for the Kingdom Enterprise.

Jesus taught us to go forth and help those in need. Those who society has considered bad or "junk" are just like us sinners in need of salvation. Here, at INPM you can learn how, from other ministers on the filed.


Joi INPM and put Certificate of Membership on your own prison ministry site!

Join INPM - it could be your world-wide recognition, Certificate of Membership for for your own prison ministry site, new friends and prayer partners, permanent availability to donors, full control over your page, etc.

Join INPM and let others know that united we can be of help for those in need.

Join INPM and you become a ministry know to the world, not just locally in your village.

Join INPM for instant world exposure.

Join INPM for international recognition and networking with other prison ministries.

Join INPM for networking collaboration of prison ministry.

Join INPM for Networking with national and international prison ministries. It is Christ-centered ministry affiliation.

Join INPM is to help other fellow ministries bring hopes to the hopeless.

Join INPM ministry because it has helped so many inmates find the Lord and doing well in the free world.

Join INPM to be a vital part in the net-working of the Body of Christ to promote God's plan for many who need to hear. Share your gifts and information through INPM as assets to a stronger witness.

Join INPM to continue to share the Gospel of Hope and Redemption through music and service and expand our prison ministry in hopes to see more people come to an understanding of God's love and grace for each one of us.

Join INPM to get world-wide recognition and get new friends and partners in this important work of prison ministry.

Join INPM to help in the kingdom work and pick-up were JESUS Started.

Join INPM to reach and work with people to teach prisoner about Christ.

Join INPM to widen your networking ability, to obtain new friends, prayer partners, volunteers and people to write to in prison. You will have a greater exposure to donors. An excellent way of putting your ministry up front where it can be seen.

Join INPM, if your desire to write to new inmates. Give them encouragement, prayer partners, and bible study etc.

Join this fellowship with other believers in the work of the Gospel.

Join us at INPM for the new friends, prayer partners, and availability to donors.

Join us at INPM in spreading the good news to those in need!

Join us at International Network of Prison Ministries the largest prison Ministry community in the world! There are so many benefits to being a member--sharing resources, prayer support, new friends and brothers and sisters in Christ. We have world wide recognition and being a member shows that we are a God called ministry and love the Lord and want to share Him with others.

Join us to fellowship with other like-minded believers.

Joining INPM gives me worldwide recognition, given me the opportunity to know other prison ministries all over the world.

Joining INPM is consistent with our vision and goal. We are determined to spread through INPM the Good News of Jesus Christ to the uttermost parts of the world to all who may want to form relationship with God, the Father of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Just as in the Prayer of Jabez, we asked God to increase our boundaries. INPM has taken us to International boundaries and given God the glory of our time invested. With INPM we now have a network of ministries and are seeing God's example of when the oxen are joined together in the yoke, much more work (for the Lord) is accomplished.

LAPM gratefully endorses the work of INPM and opportunity it brings to us all, and encourages others to join the cause of bringing Hope in Christ Jesus to the millions of citizens lost in a system of revolving doors.

Learn more imformation

Lives are being changed through this ministry and your support is needed at any level of giving.

Looking to learn from experience and success? INPM is a place!

Many Blessings from INPM like networking, new friends and donors.

Many churches tell you how bad you have been, but offer no power for change. They condemn you, tell you that you are a sinner, guilty of breaking a law, shame you and make you feel like a worm in the dirt. You were created to have fellowship with God. People who have been in prison are HUNGRY and ready to be set free. Hungry is what it takes to change yourself and THE WORLD. I love this site for bringing people together who can "Feed God's People JOY"

Many souls have come to Christ and received support through INPM. Join INPM. We welcome you all and walk with us in our prisons and share the gospel of Christ!

Many thanks to and all the people who make it happen so we can help people who otherwise would not be helped. People who are inside and outside both, use to request prayer. I get prayer request from all over the world. Without there would be no help, no prayer request from the hurting. Thanks one and all

May the Lord bless INPM and all ministries that seek to further His Kingdom on earth!

More inmates who become seriously involved in Bible Study stay out of trouble once they are released, than those who are not involved. Many never return to jail again. Joining INPM you become a part of Crime Prevention and Rehabilitation program in America and world-wide. INPM will help you to get knowledge and support for your ministry.

My dear friends! INPM is the best platform for worldwide recognition in your prison work and outreach, please join in your hundreds form any location allover the world, thanks a lot INPM may the Great Lord extend and expand your boundaries allover the Universe.

My desire is to meet and support Chaplains is met here at INPM..

My hope in joining INPM is to expand RTO as an official prison ministry, especially in Maryland. It seems that God has lead in this direction.

My ministry also works to free the incarcerated through clemency & parole where the situation calls for such action. We extend individual attention to include financial assistance, help in reconciliation with victims, family counseling and making sure the person gets a special gift at holiday season. Join INPM to have world-wide recognition and availability to potential donors and prayer partners.

My reason for joining INPM is to broaden our horizons through world-wide recognition, making new friends and prayer partners, availability for donors, invitations for teaching, training and speaking engagements and networking for problem solving.

My reason for joining INPM is to find new friends and prayer partners of the world.

My Reason Of Joining INPM Is That,They Create Room For Those Having Passions For Prison Ministry.

My reason to join INPM is because of your international recognition and your efforts in reaching all kinds of the rejected in the socity but the small and the big, turning the criminals to christians,and your efforts inhelping the youger ministries to achive thier God given visions in prison ministries.

My reason to join is because of a long standing friendship with Serge Taran.

My reason to join this World-Wide community of Prison Ministries is to reach out where the families of the incarcerated are hurting, that they may know that through the power of ministry, God intervenes for change of lives.

My reasons for joining INPM is networking. I truly believe the more we reach out, the more we reach! And to let others know we truly care, even when it seems others don't.

My reasons to join INPM is to create a partnership to preach the gospel in Women's Prisons.

My success story is just being called to minister. This INPM site is awesome though. Great for networking and growing in Christ.

Network with other ministries and work for Jesus is a noble goal of INPM. We are proud to be a part of it.

Networking, membership, prayer partners and support base - you will find here at INPM.

Networking/partnerships, resource sharing donations , information exchange,volunteer opportunities exchange, Joint Preaching. Trainings or Evangelism with fellow Pastors and servants all over the World, etc. - that is what you get if your join INPM.

new freinds and Prayer Partners,Certificate of Membership

New friends and partners, resourcing network, permanent availability to donors is what you get by becoming one of us at INPM.

New friends and prayer partners, permanent availability to donors - INPM gives it all!

New friends, prayer partners, info from other ministries, helps,

New Vision Organization, Inc networks with Advocacy Groups and Organizations nationwide, to ensure prisoners receive assistance in any way possible, as we have in this Country, mass incarcerations, lacking appropriate medical and psychological treatment. Prisoners crying out for The Most High's Intervention and For The Godly To Pray or Them. Let us All Unite To Bring Hope, Comfort and Freedom To The Lost Sheep.

One of the main reasons to join INPM - is to expand your visibility to the world and possibly build associations with similar organizations

Our God is a Good God! He has delivered me from the bondage of drugs and a life without hope! What a blessing it is to have here at INPM those who care enough to actually do something!

Our group is growing, and God is answering prayers continually now with INPM friends and collegues.

Our ministry through the grace of God and the cooperation of the INPM has grown from a two person ministry to a ten person ministry. Our membership when we joined in 2003 was under a 100 and we write to more than 250 prisoners and their families in the USA, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. We need you and many more volunteers so we can reach these diamonds in the rough for Christ!

Our ministry welcomes the opportunity to join INPM to be recognize throughout the kingdom as a prison ministry that goes behinds the walls to feed his sheep.

Our outreach has the intention to reach as many souls as possible, not only restoring hope, but also providing Spiritual assistance and care for those that are forgotten and voiceless. That is is why we joined INPM.

Our prayer has been that the Lord will provide an avenue to expand the ministry and in our search we have found INPM. This is the beginning of a fruitful fellowship.

Our reason for joining this net work was to be able to show what our God is able to if we obey his word and after it. Our Founder once was in a Federal Prison in Marion, Illinois. Completed the Federal Prison life Connection Program and gave his life to the work in the ministration of GOD.

Our reason to Join INPM is to link up with different prison ministries across the globe and also connect with people with passion of reaching inmates for the support to our ministry reach out to our brothers and sisters behind bars. Remember together we can make a difference. God bless INPM.

Our reason to join is to get the Word out there an help all the people we can an show many people there is a plan God has for them! Now YOU join us!

Our story "We Made It, You Can Too" tells how we were able to make it through our time of trail and shows that if we were able to make it through ours, then you can make it through yours. No Matter What! There is Hope. We are making it available for reader's audience around the world with INPM.

Our wish is to serve the public as St. Francis did. We rely on local donations and support to aid us in supplies. Here at INPM many outreaches share the vision and experience.

Partnering with INPM is like getting a bright light in a dark place, you receive a clearer vision on how to become very resourceful and more productive in prison ministry.

Partnering with like minded believers encourages, empowers, and creates momentum for growth and impact. INPM is the serving organisation for those in Prison Ministry.

Please join INPM and help as to show these housemates that the world has not given up on them just as Christ never gives up on us.

Please join us at INPM and reach out to inmates for Christ. It is 100% safe. We have never had any problems. You will be blessed by reaching out to an inmate. I also will always be available to answer any questions and help in any way. You can call me anytime. I will get back to you as soon as possible, If I don't answer. Jesus will bless you for reaching out those in prison. Remember Matthew 25:36!

Please join us at INPM in fulfilling the desires of the Christ which is to help others! Jesus said the second greatest commandment is to love our neighbors as ourselves. We need your support in helping those in need.

Please join us at INPM in helping bring the Good News to those that truly need it.

Please join us so that we can work together to eliminate stigmas and give woman every where the strength they need to go on.

Post Conviction Associates joined INPM to network with others who share a common goal...bringing light to the dark recesses of prison. Only through a single goal, brought by a multitude of varying efforts, can the light truly be seen.

Prayer, donor recognition, networking with other organizations - that is what INPM all about!

Prison ministry's a strategically important church ministry since church growth is built on the personal spiritual growth of its members. I have found it here, at INPM. Thank you, LORD, for this ministry!

Project Jericho is a faith-based organization, run completely by volunteers, which means your gifts go to the people who need them most. We are glad, we joined INPM, as are are a part of this world wide outreach.

Recognition, accountability and network opportunities to promote the Gospel for the Glory of God - that is what you are getting by becoming a part of INPM.

Saint Leonard's Ministries fights recidivism by providing holistic support services to formerly incarcerated people

Serge and his Network gives the world a possible approach to helping prisoners.

Since 2000 we have ministered to over 4,000 inmates in Prison Chapels. We have seen over 300 converts and over 1100 re-dedications to Christ through our ministry. This ministry is one on one to inmates, for some inmates the only visit they get is when we see them. With INPM our ministry is more recognized and exposed to other ministries in the area.

Since joined with INPM our customers are multiplied by the traffic we are getting from this Network. If you are in Prison Ministry and not on INPM, you are not in business!

Since joining INPM our ministry has seen incredible growth. We went from witnessing to 4 inmates, to witnessing to well over 100 in less then a month. We have also made incredible contacts through INPM. It is truly a network worth joining and it costs nothing but a few minutes of your time to register.

Since joining INPM we have made contact with other Prison Ministries in many states and foreign countries sharing the blessings of fellowship in Christ.

Since my book, 'How Are You Doing? Journal of a Dead Man Born Again,' has been in print, several persons have encouraged me in sharing that it is a great source of hope for inmates. INPM has opened up the potential for me to get my book out to more inmates than I originally had imagined possible. Thank you INPM!

Since we became a part of INPM family we are contacted by family members and asked to assist their loved ones coming out of jail/prison in obtaining resources to help them turn their lives around. It is a great blessing that God has given us through INPM.

Since we joined INPM we have been overjoyed at the responses and the word we receive from brothers and sisters that we get to know. Where as we could not afford to do it before. Keep up the good works and God Bless all of you. We are now here to help expand and expound on our network may it long live. All of us should do all we can to keep this aired and is a real professional piece..

Since we joined the INPM, this ministry has been much blessed by the new friends, and experience.

Since we teamed with INPM, we have simply exploded - from a few dozen to many thousand subscribers. INPM is helping us to be visible and available to the Prison Ministry community world-wide.

Sometimes in life you find a special friend. Someone who changes your life, just by being a part of it. Someone who makes you laugh, until you can't stop. At INPM you can find really good people in the world.

Taking God's love to prisoners is a wonderful and worthwhile ministry. Thank the Lord for INPM.

Thankful for my Partners Here at INPM. Spreading the Gospel is our main goal.

The biggest reason to join is that here at INPM is strong powers in the numbers. Where two or more are gathered there I shall be. Also to be given the chance to share my testimony with others to let them know what a forgiving God we serve.

The Find HOPE Here Project has a heart for those incarcerated and the families they leave on the outside. INPM is a wonderful tool to communicate clearly this same type of love in Jesus's name. We are proud to be a part of INPM.

The INPM is a great blessing to our ministry.

The INPM is an incredible organization that links prison ministries as a united team to reach out and bring hope and love to the incarcerated and their families....shining a light for Christ in the darkness of a prison cell.

At INPM you can be assured that if you have a large ministry or just beginning your prison ministry journey, you will be treated equally and INPM is there for all of us trying to make a difference one man or one woman at a time.

The INPM provides a terrific opportunity for faith-based organizations to provide information about their ministries and to network with other organizations serving prisoners and ex-prisoners. In addition, it has a discussion forum for members, permitting them to provide mutual support, encouragement, and exchange of information.

The International Network of Prison Ministries is a good network of like-minded people who seem to have a heart to reach the unreachable at the local and international level. I believe that our Ministry will receive the level of support that is needed to assist in completing the mission of hope.

The International Network of Prison Ministries provides a free opportunity for ministries serving prisoners and ex-prisoners to disseminate information about their organizations and the services they offer. This information is available to other ministries, those involved with the criminal justice system, and to the public at large. The site contains a variety of different methods to conduct an online search within its database to allow for easy access to relevant ministries.

The Lord commissioned me to "Preach the Kingdom". I do it everywhere. We make disciples of Christ's. We empower them through the Holy Spirit to reproduce Christ and themselves. Here at INPM We are change agents by the grace of God.

The Lord is Blessing for you Prison Ministry with INPM.

The Lord is Blessing for you Prison Ministry with INPM.

The Lords has done a mighty work on us.

The ministry of INPM is a GOD given vision of which we all can share through the technology of today.
The fellowship is a blessing and encouragement to all of us who God had called into this area of ministry.

The Mission Gate Prison Ministry Aftercare is a unique ministry that has reversed recidivism and would like you to join as you are called to turn lives from crime to Christ. We are a part of INPM to be more visible to volunteers and churches in our area.

The National Prisoner's Family Conference provides the unique opportunity to join with others serving prisoners and their families from across the country; to learn the most effective means of reaching and ministering to those affected by incarceration; to receive support and to provide support. We are proud to be a part of International Network of Prison Ministries.

The power of prayer is the backbone of every Ministry that serves God. INPM brings together a voice heard load and clear.

The reason we joined INPM is to be of service to other ministries. We want to work together in an effort to spread the gospel to the incarcerated.

The satisfy our passion for souls, obtain our own Certificate of Membership for prison ministry and make us available to sponsors and donors - join us at INPM.

The services provided by International Network of Prison Ministries are a benefit and a blessing to Living Hope Prison Outreach.

The support, outreach possibilities, and people who you come in contact with through INPM are great. A God sent!

There are a lot of people that God has connected through INPM with different prison ministry talents that you can network and learn from.

There is only one reason on which you can to join this INPM service - only because it to you God has told!

They helped me be able to marry incarcerated people with their significant others.

This is a fantastic place to get the word out about your ministry.

This is a wonderful website of the fellowship of Prison Ministries to that are in need.

This ministry provides help and guidance to those in prison and those coming out of prison. Everyone needs a safe place to feel free to share their thoughts and feelings, especially when it comes to reconciling with the Lord Jesus Christ.

This site helps you stay connected with people of like faith whose sole purpose is to bring glory to God. I know that now I am a member I will be making new friends with those whose desire is to touch heaven whose purpose is to walk a pure and holy life before God.

Through caring for and writing just one prisoner, who we followed for more than a year, we are here at INPM were able to inspire and encourage many other inmates.

Through INPM, Fishers of Men Prison Ministries has grown to serve thousands of inmates and their families. In addition, the networking that we have had the opportunity to do through ministries we have met is staggering. Friendships made, new ministries touched and inmates we have known through this Organization is truly a blessing.

To access the network of members already working with INPM, to gain new friends and prayer partners, to avail ourselves to donors for support and assistance in our ministry work - join INPM now!

To aid people in their time of need through the power of prayer and faith - it is the goal of this Network, and mine too!

To be a helping hand to others and to please God Almighty...

To become one body in Christ our Lord and Savior in Prison Ministry, join INPM, be a part of this World-wide Network!

To become one of many, so we may all join as one, and bring our Father God into the lives of all - join us at INPM! Arizona Second Chance.

To belong to a world wide organization that is responding to the Lord's Commission, join INPM.

To connect with other prison ministries, recruit free world pen pals, permanent availability to donors, join INPM.

To encourage others and to build a relationship with those who are also in this ministry, join INPM. You will come along side and pray for those who are also reaching the lost and teaching.

To find partners to support our ministry, to have permanent availability to donors, join INPM!

To get in touch with other ministries interested in this ministry.

To get more support from our partners for Russian-speaking inmates and prisoners - join us at INPM.

To go in and share songs and testimony with inmates with us - join INPM.

To have a network support form international Organization - join INPM, like we did!

To join men and women together and to agree on many situations and decisions to Praise God and his growth here on Earth - join INPM!

To learn more of what other prison ministries world-wide are doing - just join INPM!

To let others know that we mentor women and would like to have prayer partners, new friends and to share success stories of how God has renewed hope and life in women in jail, join INPM.

To network with like-minded ministries, assist new ministries, and establish new contacts, join INPM!

To network with others that have the same interest as you do and yo learn more bout this ministry - join INPM.

To preach to the lost, join us at INPM.

To provide ex offenders a pathway to reentry and other services.

To reach even the unreachable with the Love of God, through Jesus Christ by the help of the Holy Spirit, bring good news of Hope and Encouragement to every one in the prison wall and to see lost people receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This is what we do here at INPM, and we invite you to join us.

To share our problems, burdens and information with our brethren the world over join International Network of Prison Ministry.

To spread the Good News come with us at INPM.

To spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all who will listen join us at INPM.

To support by interceding for organizations that help others, and to be unified with other prison ministries, and organizations so that the will of God can be accomplished - is the purpose of INPM. Join us!

To support in the field of making those held whole again, while understanding the pain they have caused and then restore them - Join INPM.

To support the cause of making the different in our love ones held within the correctional centers, while helping with all re-entry needs - join us at INPM.

To support the core mission of saving soles for his will - come to INPM.

To take advantage of joining a network in which we all have the same passion and goals expanding the reach we have as individual ministries.

To teach churches how to build God's Army out of the most troubled people in our community - come to INPM.

To unite with other workers and to be available for more outreach - join INPM!

United together around INPM, we can win the battle for our lord as warriors for him so the gospel can reach to the ends of the earth and none should be lost when Jesus returns in mid air to take us to His kingdom.

We are a Christian couple in love with Jesus. Join INPM to meet other dedicated Christians in the area, like we did.

We are a part of INPM to be able to meet and prayer with a team of God committed persons, yearning for the absolute will of God to be manifested in all things.

We are a part of INPM to keep up with what others are doing in prison ministry.

We are a very small outreach and we are hoping by joining, we will grow and be able to reach even more people with the Love of our Lord.

We are constantly seeking new ministry associations and we are eager to learn from experienced ministries. INPM works very well for us as well as our FaceBook page.

We are glad to have been given this opportunity of joining INPM for new friends, prayer partners and permanent availability to donors. Thank God for more generous hearts.

We are in Prison Ministry in the country of Ukraine. Odessa is a city port on the Black Sea. Without INPM who would even knew that we exist! Our reason to join is to be a part of this Global Prison Ministry movement.

We are interested in distributing our materials free of charge and we have found a venue - INPM.

We are joining hands with INPM to form a net of GRACE for women upon release.

We are looking forward to build a network of good hearted christian people to guide and assist us on helping the less fortunate.

We are partnering with INPM to reach not only inmates, but prison ministries worldwide.

We are seeking to serve God by writing to His children in prison.

We are thankful to the lord that we have been recognized by INPM to be new friends and prayer partners.

We are the members of the body of Christ, and we need each other in serving God's people.

We believe it is important for us to be a part of this Network in order to grow as we meet and interface with new friends and prayer partners and donors. Certification and International recognition also compelled us to join.

We believe in Joining the IPNM will allow the ministry to bring forth a greater chance in sharing the word of God, and presenting those who truly need to preach, teach and lead in a spiritual way. To place light on those whom God has given gifts, and have given testimonies.

We believe that God makes Himself known to us in visions and speaks to us in dreams. INPM brings ministries together, no matter how far thy are from each other - in Dallas, TX or in Lagos, Nigeria.

We believe that the more resources, sharing, and information each of us has and coordinates with others benefits all those in prison and all those who are making a life for themselves outside the walls. INPM is the place for that to happen.

We believe that we the body of Christ are in such a crucial stage of history which demands the united work and effective evangelism for the End time Harvest. We would love to partnership with like minded churches organizations and individuals. And we consider to become a part of INPM will be an effective way to be connected with others.

We believe that with INPM, so much can be done and souls can be lead to the cross, for so many are caught in a "cross-road of live". Many of our prisons are filled with youth who have lost their way one-way or the other and we believe that with INPM, we have the solutions governments are searching for.

We cannot do it ourselves without having brothers and sisters behind us praying for us, sharing experiences on how to reach prisoners. By joining the INPM We will set to fulfill Christ's mission together.

We decide to join INPM as in order to learn, gain experience and to be international recognized.

We desired to be a member of a growing ministry where our ministry and goals can be published world wide. We presently correspond with over 20 inmates and desire to have more through INPM.

We felt in our heart and led by the Spirit to minister among the prisoners and we joined INPM.

We felt the call of God to reach out to the prisoners, juvenile delinquents, and youths at risk. The outreach of INPM was foundered by the help of God.

We find the International Network of Prison Ministries very unique, as it is an invaluable source of bringing all creation together in an effort to reform, heal and unite all of God's children throughout the world. Be a part of it!

We have a dedicated desire to reach inmates around the United States. INPM is a tool to use in communications.

We have a heart for the suffering & a burden for the lost! INPM has the same goal & we as the body of Christ are called to minister collectively, to each nation, each family, each heart-one individual at a time. Helping others to see themselves as Jesus sees them :vessels of honor-is how we work together.
{2 Timothy 2:21}

We have a prison work, so INPM membership helps us to get a world-wide recognition and get more friends and prayer partners and also donors to carry on our work for His glory.

We have been able to connect families from across the country thru INPM. Inmates families use this website to stay informed about their loved one.

We have been blessed to be part of INPM receiving prayers in tough times and contacts with like-minded ministries around the globe.

We have been privileged to provide tens of thousands of Bibles to prison ministry, at 90% or greater discount, and want others to know of this opportunity.

We have been totally blessed through our connection with INPM. As a part of the body of Christ, this network connects us to ministries all over the world with similar objectives. Our ministry is about freedom in general. Freedom from addiction, and the places your addiction will take you.

We have joined INPM so that we may be able to know more about the various Prison Ministries, especially, in Asia, for our prayers and day-by-day cooperation. We are also asking all our co-workers in India to use INPM as a source of Prison Ministry interaction.

We have joined this ministry because it is God sent and that we are able to be joined with our brother and sisters in Christ Jesus from around the world in reaching out to prisoners. We thank the Lord Jesus Christ for this anointed web page and the web masters that do so much in keeping us up to date with all that i going on around the world in our prison institutions We thank you very much.

We have received many new volunteers through the INPM website!

We have seen a huge release of Christians who live in fear of Public speaking move into an area of conference speaking to share of their faith and a testimony to Gods power and grace after joining INPM.

We have seen a huge release of Christians who live in fear of Public speaking move into an area of conference speaking to share of their faith and a testimony to Gods power and grace.

We have we tried to help mankind or give anything back to God for All He has done for us. INPM is the Bridge to many us -alike.

We highly recommend INPM, they are a must for any Prison Ministry!

We hope, that by joining with INPM, our efforts will receive worldwide recognition and support.

We in the past year have supplied over 100,000 pounds of food to hungry persons in the Dallas, Texas area and have also distributed over 200,000 pounds of clothing to needy families.

We invite all readers to join INPM. They are interested in supporting prison ministries and they care for the welfare of both prisoners and their families. Please read the INPM website materials which tells you how you can support their on-going ministry needs and how you may join. May God richly bless and keep each.

We join because we believe INPM is where we can meet other Christians devoted with heart and soul to winning souls for Jesus, with helping inmates become changed people. We hope they will share fund raising strategies with us.

We joined INPM because it is a place to reach people with the same goals and desire in helping the inmate, posting letters to families sand net working with other prison ministries to help with the struggle of the many problems in the justice system.

We joined INPM because we want to help get the Word out to all! We believe that INPM really cares about spreading the love of Christ, and we want to be a part of this wonderful organization.

We joined INPM because we would like to have fellowship with ministries around the world that has the same vision as we have to reach out to these wonderful people in the prison.

We joined INPM in order to network with other prison ministries and win more souls to Christ by a unified effort of mutual cooperation between all Christ-centered prison ministries.

We joined INPM to emphasis the world that the will of God which is also in operation in the prisons of Sri Lanka. Join us!

We joined INPM to Introduce our Men On Target Curriculum for men in prison.

We need INPM help to advance the ministry and assist men returning from prison to be responsible Christians in today's world.

We need you in Pakistan. Join INPM and let's win some souls for Christ in my Muslim country.

We pray that this step will allow us greater exposure and support from the world wide web commnuity.

We received all information regarding INPM from God's good man Mr. Taran. We would like to thanks him and to his family for everything he has done for us.

We spent hours and hours getting the content up on our site, and no one befitting from it visiting it, but we wanted the world to know! So we joined the International Network of Prison Ministries and our counter is rolling!

We suggest all to join INPM because we stand behind the work that they do, to network with other like-minded organizations to share our experiences and unite for even greater opportunities to serve God, and to seek help from other organizations in order to fulfill God's will.

We want to make people aware of our ministry. We can do it through INPM.

We want to partner with INPM so that we get exposure through their network and for prayer support to carry out our Prison programs in Papua New Guinea

We want to reach as many people that we can who may have loved ones currently incarcerated and in need of legal help. We make ourself available to those in need through INPM.

We want to reach the largest audience in the ministry and INPM gives us the opportunity to contact prison ministries not only on our continent of Africa, but worldwide.

We want to spread the Light of Christ in a world of Darkness! And we have found a tool - INPM getaway!

We welcome you at INPM to continue to spread the Gospel in the prison system to give these men & women the tools to keep from returning to prison.

When God tells you to do something you do it quickly. In all these years never have I had a certificate of membership until God lead me to this INPM site. Thank you, Jesus, for everything.

When two or more are joined together i am in the midst. there is power with two ; how much more when we bond together as a united community with a common goal - the salvation of the lost.

When you hear the success of the men whose lives have been changed, you know that you have left foot prints of love in the Kingdom of God. That is a calling of INPM.

Whenever you're given an opportunity to join an organization that preaches Jesus and is about God's Business - you should take advantage of it! It is INPM!

Wisdom is better than riches, but riches can't purchase wisdom. The men that obtained
wisdom go on to live a life with fulfillment.

Charles A. Putzeys.

With INPM Love to partner with other ministers and advance the gospel of Jesus Christ Across the Globe in Jails, etc.

With INPM our ministry is growing and the more ex-offenders we can gain access to, the more people we can help.

With INPM we can be exposed to all types of ministries that can help move forward our vision and purpose, while connecting resources that can help facilitate the work we do to serve the incarcerated church.

With INPM's knowlage and experience in this field, I look forward to gaining information and insite to help God's will Ministry reach its all goals.

Working with inmates have been a great blessing bestowed upon us. INPM is all about it. It makes your work visible.

Working with the other ministries in INPM gives all of us a chance to share the information about our inmates and to be able to gain knowledge of other resources.

World Missionary Press, Inc. is an interdenominational faith service ministry energized, directed, and provided for by God for more than 57 years. Our mission is to spread the Word of God by producing, mailing, and shipping topical Scripture booklets, Bible study booklets, salvation coloring books, and New Testaments for free distribution worldwide. With INPM we have access to thousands of ministries involved in Prison Outreach.

You need fellowship and Leadership to develop this ministry with INPM.

You need to join INPM because you cannot have too many connections with the world. This is what it is all about. We need to work together because we can do more together than we can alone. This is a "we" deal. Join today.

You should join INPM to help those in Prison. We are required by the mandate of Christ to help those in Prison.

You will find new friends that share your pain, and understand what you may be experiencing here at INPM. You can receive if you need and want to, spiritual instruction and guidance during this time while you are separated from your loved one.
