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Featured Ministry

Leaving The Cocoon
In 2007, Leaving The Cocoon became the official women's mentoring program for the Tennessee Department of Correction. According to the Director of TDOC Volunteer Services, LTC is a “pioneer in reentry mentoring.” Leaving The Cocoon's mission has been to show Christ-like compassion to the needs of the incarcerated and help them rebuild their lives outside prison. With this in mind, LTC is helping the newly released “butterfly” to reach their God-given potential.Ministry help request
New Life Halfway House
For revival in our local jail, for the halfway house to get going, for jobs and housing for those getting released now and for favor with the community.Prayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestpray that my brother will get sent home he died there 2 days before christmas . his wife wont claim him and we just want him to be sent home to tennessee. he was my baby brother and we just want to burry him so please pray that they will let us have him. his name was Gary whited