You are at the website whose purpose is to bring under one Internet roof all Prison Ministries involved in crime prevention and in the rehabilitation through the Word of God worldwide.
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Featured Ministry
Greensville CC Chaplain's Department
The Chaplains Department of Greensville Correctional Center consists of three chaplains ministering to 3400 inmates in a male medium security correctional center. It involves church services, outreach crusades, the Kairos ministry, and several kinds of Bible studies and discipleship programs.Ministry help request
Overcomers Ministries and The Fisherman's Net House Churches
As we rely on donations to support our ministry, we ask that you also prayerfully consider this. Donations may be placed to Overcomes Assn. Account at any branch of the Westpac Bank, Australia. We need study material, such as commentaries, dictionaries, and other books on biblical topics, e.g. Biblical leadership, Spiritual Gifts, Bible interpretation. etc. etc. These are for poorer countries. Please forward these to Overcomes Ministries Head Office in Australia.Prayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestA lady named Debra is in the Rockville Correctional Faculity, she is in stage 5 of cancer. She is all alone, she has no family, the only family she had was a son and he passed away about a year ago. Please remember her in your prayers.