You are at the website whose purpose is to bring under one Internet roof all Prison Ministries involved in crime prevention and in the rehabilitation through the Word of God worldwide.
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and 27 other supporters.
Total: $1441 USD donated.
Our goal — $4000 USD to rebuild the Network, make it Mobile Device friendly.
We still need $2559 USD. Change this number right now, by donation through Pay-pal or check.
Featured Ministry
In His Steps Prison Ministry, Inc.
This ministry's number one objective is to see lives changed while in prison to prepare them for the outside world and their new, productive life in the steps of our Savior Jesus Christ.Ministry help request
Rhema for You
To buy and print study materials. To bring instruments and vehiles.Prayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestI ask that prayers be sent out to all those that have gone through the system and are in need of guidence. Life is tough and their struggles are on going.God lead these souls to the greater understanding so they may begin to love themselves for who they are. Cathie