You are at the website whose purpose is to bring under one Internet roof all Prison Ministries involved in crime prevention and in the rehabilitation through the Word of God worldwide.
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Total: $1441 USD donated.
Our goal — $4000 USD to rebuild the Network, make it Mobile Device friendly.
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Featured Ministry
Comprehensive Success
A unique aftercare ministry that features teaching, training and providing technology tools to help criminals break the the crime habit, earn an ever-free life and achieve their crime and prison records into insignificanceMinistry help request
The Altar of Ed Ministry
Constructing this "Bridge." Your tax-deductible donations would be most appreciated. We know that our Lord hears and answers prayer, please, prayer for us. Know we as well are interceding on your behalf. Join with us as a "Bridge Builder", won't you? Please, DO IT TODAY!Prayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestI would like you to pray for my husband Issac, he is currently in the Sanchez Unit in El paso, Texas. To give him strength to make it through this hard time and keep that strength as he walks out of those prison doors in a couple of months and come home and be the father and husband he was meant to be. Also, that he leaves that habit in the jail and never looks back out it again.