You are at the website whose purpose is to bring under one Internet roof all Prison Ministries involved in crime prevention and in the rehabilitation through the Word of God worldwide.
Top Network Supporters
and 27 other supporters.
Total: $1441 USD donated.
Our goal — $4000 USD to rebuild the Network, make it Mobile Device friendly.
We still need $2559 USD. Change this number right now, by donation through Pay-pal or check.
Featured Ministry
A Helping Hand Prison Ministry
I felt that the Lord had called me to preach the word of God as a small child but i rejected the call on my life until I ended up in jail in February of '99 at which time I decided that my life was headed in the wrong direction. And now that I have been released from jail I have felt the call on my life to go back behind those cold dark dreary walls and spread the Word of God.Ministry help request
Piedmont Christian Ministries
New or used Bibles and Christian books, tracts and videos are in great demand in the prisons. Donations of these materials are appreciated. Additionally, donations of stamps and envelopes are appreciated, and used to send materials and letters to prisoners and chaplains nationwide. Cash donations are also applied to postage, and to printing and purchasing materials to be sent to the prisons. A receipt will be sent for all donations.Prayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestPlease help me in praying for my husband Perry that upon his release from prison, the Lord will give him positive direction and a drug free future.