You are at the website whose purpose is to bring under one Internet roof all Prison Ministries involved in crime prevention and in the rehabilitation through the Word of God worldwide.
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Featured Ministry
Certification For The Incarceration
Certification for the Incarceration is designed to help transitions ex-offenders back into society first, with establishing a relationship with Jesus Christ, and second to provide on-line resources to gain a college degree or certification for employmentMinistry help request

TX Pen Pals Wanted
We receive several letters from TX Prisoners who are Christians requesting for Spiritual guidance, prayers, support and Christian Pen Pals. TX Pen Pals Wanted desire to meet the needs of these prisoners so that they may grow deeper in their faith and know that there are true Christians out here who really cares for them. This is one of the most important ministry because our Lord Jesus stated to visit those who are in prison.Prayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestI served as chaplain in the Fremont Correctional Facility. In Colorado, the Chaplains are unpaid volunteers and must live as missionaries. I miss my guys and being in my place. Pray that the men of Fremont will be ministered to. I do not know where God will lead but I know that He is in control. I ask for your prayers for the future. I have always had a special heart for after care. The need is so geat for those being released.