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Featured Ministry
Peter Thorpe Memorial Fund
Peter Thorpe Memorial Fund. Peter Thorpe (Nashville Fats) dreamed of a Christ filled world, spreading the Gospel through his music to the lost, the searching and those Christians in need of spritual encouragment. The Peter Thorpe Memorial Fund seeks to coninue Peters legacy.Ministry help request
Greensville CC Chaplain's Department
Chaplains Beighley, Holm, Moore, the inmate Christian coordinators, the Kairos and Saints ministries, the Disciple, Purpose Driven Life, and Christian Believer classes, the various outreaches going on, all inmates- especially those in the segregation unit, the Wardens, Staff, Correctional Officers, and families of all concerned.Prayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestprayer for me that i get peace in my life & salavation for my family & Iam fully depressed