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Featured Ministry
Prayer Quest Evangelical Campain
"Prayer Quest" started in a long-term Scottish prison with 20 copies in Aug 2001. It grew threoughout the Scottish prison system and now is available to prisoners worldwide. We ask for no funds and are self-supporting through gardening work via: "Gardeners for Christ". The "PQ" prayer sheet aims to develop a discipline of daily prayer and bible study, simply!Ministry help request
Please pray for the preparation of the soil of the hearts of the individuals and also their families as we plant and water through prayer, counseling, and discipleship.Prayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestI am Suwati from Indonesia. I am college student "Christian couseling studies". I hope after graduate i can do prison ministry here in Indonesia. I don't know what to do. Plelase pray for me may God help me and show me what should i do.
thank you very much and may God bless us.