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Featured Ministry
Expected End Ministries
Expected End Ministries is a non-profit prison ministry outreach formed by author and ex-felon Katie Souza. The vision behind the ministry is to lead every prisoner to their creative purpose through the vehicle of their captivity. From this vision came Katie Souza’s first book, “The Captivity Series the Key to Your Expected End” . A one of a kind study with teachings based totally on the Biblical stories of ancient Israel’s captivities.Ministry help request
Give God A Chance Ministries
To enlarge our territory, to reach more hurting people, to minister beyond what human eyes can see, that is our desire and prayer need.Prayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestHeaven has received another angel. Reymondo (Michael) Macias I, has passed away on October 5, 2008. He was an exceptional spiritual guide, to many he has met. He is missed by many of us. We have been blessed, to have Mike in our lives. I believe he is with us in Spirit. "Thank you, Michael."