You are at the website whose purpose is to bring under one Internet roof all Prison Ministries involved in crime prevention and in the rehabilitation through the Word of God worldwide.
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Our goal — $4000 USD to rebuild the Network, make it Mobile Device friendly.
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Featured Ministry
Victorious Outreach Ministries
Victorious Outreach wants to help young, on fire Christians find thier minsitry calling by offering a wide range of ministry outreach oppertunities both in the USA and overseas. Our misionary work was birthed by the great work of Dr. Stephen Olford, who was born to missionary parents in Africa and later mentored great men like Billy Graham, David Wilkerson on others. Dr. Olford endorses and supports our work.Ministry help request
Sisterhood of Saints
Pray for God to lead me and the women who will be involved in this work. Pray for God to lead me in the right direction. Pray for my family and pray for GOd's mercy on us all.Prayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestEm junho de 1998, meu pai assistia tv de madrugada estorvando meu sono, eu disse que ia travar o tv, o tv travou sozinho, meu pai me mandou destravar, quando destravei o tv, vi a jornalista Renata Vianello, o diabo passou a por na minha cabeça a ideia de possui-la, só falta eu me retorcer para eu negar isso, já não aguento mais.