International Network of Prison Ministries

Home of 4919 Prison Ministries, Chaplains, Ministry Volunteers
and Helpful Ministry Resources in 113 countries.

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Psalm 119:139-140 (NIV) - My zeal wears me out, for my enemies ignore your words. Your promises have been thoroughly tested, and your servant loves them.

You are at the website whose purpose is to bring under one Internet roof all Prison Ministries involved in crime prevention and in the rehabilitation through the Word of God worldwide.

Top Network Supporters

$180 One-to-One Prison Ministries $150 Bible League International
$110 Vladimir Goryanoy Ministry $100 Fishers of Men Prison Ministries
$100 Prisoners for Christ $100 The Slammer
$100 JesusisLOVE Outreach Ministries $60 Prayer Chain Online
$50 Azalea City Prison Ministry $50 Fred W Vincent Ministry

and 27 other supporters.
Total: $1441 USD donated.
Our goal — $4000 USD to rebuild the Network, make it Mobile Device friendly.
We still need $2559 USD. Change this number right now, by donation through Pay-pal or check.

Featured Ministry

Prisoner's Justice Mercy & Reconciliation Mission

Prisoner's Justice Mercy & Reconciliation Mission (PJMRM) is a faith based Non Gorvermental Organization. Specialise in the area of Women related issue in the Prison, Rehabilitation, Reconciliation & Re-integration of ex- offender into the body of Christ and the main stream of the society. We have produced pastors and missionary. Established in 1999.

Ministry help request

Prison Salt And Light Ministry

1. Pray for 14 PNG Death - Row Prisoners awaiting method of punishment in Bomana Prison
2. Pray for our Ministry to reach out to all 22 Province's Jails in PNG
3. Pray for those we have already ministered in Prisons to find Jesus
4. Pray that we will have funding support to carry out Programs

Prayer Request of the Hour

I would like to ask for a prayer of Guidance as I was just given the greatest blessing to continue my work and reach out more. I would like a prayer of complete guidance as I have been blessed with enough funds to build a church to speak the Word Of God and to provide to prisoners bible for the rest of my life. Please pray that I stumble not in any of the Lord work!

Troy Wilson
Add your prayer request
