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My Inspiration for God's News
Our primary goals is to reach each and every inmate as possible. Our goal to is teach and encourage each inmate to develop a personal relationship God. Once you learn the sound of your Shepard's voice you will be able to hear him speak to you. We are hear to help the inmates develop this with the Almighty God. We are here to let you know there is a second chance in life. We are here to invite you to share with us in brining someone to this land mark in there life.Ministry help request
Joseph Harp Correctional Center
Under Warden Harp, Oklahoma State Reformatory was the first institution to establish a fully accredited academic High School behind prison walls. Warden Harp recognized that one of the greatest needs that many inmates of his time (as well as today) had was a high school education.Prayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestAll as one, one is all we will rise and never fall. These 3 planted roots run deep, I'm a gangsta at all six feet. To the ones that are gone true blue brother standing tall. I'm a gangster yes indeed so shall my every seed. Sincerly Yours, Soldja Slim