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Featured Ministry
Fiji Prison Ministry
Pacific Youth Correctional Ministries - Fiji is a faith based non-profit NGO providing chaplaincy service. Our mission is to the incarcerated and ex-offenders, their families, and the officers of the Fiji Prisons System.Our base is at Korovo within the Suva Prison Administration Complex in Walu Bay, on Viti Levu, the largest of the Fiji Islands. From this location 4 district coordinators oversee chaplaincy services to over 1,000 prisoners within the various institutional facilities.
Ministry help request
Cracked Pots For Christ Ministry
Pray the Holy Spirit will use us in not only what we say but in our everyday lives to show God's unconditional love and forgiveness, and remind all of Christ's challenge in Matt. 25:36. Pray also that He will lead us where He wants us to go and open doors that no man can open to put us where He'd have us go and open the hearts of those to whom we minister.Prayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestTHE only true god is jesus Christ,