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Featured Ministry
New Life Reentry Program
New Life Reentry Program, located in Wichita, Kansas, is a ministry and program for women recently released from incarceration. We give support through mentoring, housing, teaching life skills, teaching job skills, teaching how to be whole spiritually, physically, mentally, and socially. The girls are housed and nurtured for 3 months. In that time period, we help them with all aspects of their life, including relationships and parenting. We help them find permanent housing and jobs.Ministry help request
Ark of Salvation Ministries
We need your prayers. That God would use us to save the lost. That He would keep our family and us safe. And that he would supply all our needs in the ministry. That Jesus by the Holy spirit would give us his wisdom to do His will.Prayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestPlease pray for the families of the inmates of ASPC-Perryville Complex, Santa Rosa Unit, Goodyear, Arizona.