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Featured Ministry
Trisagion Prison Ministry
Trisagion Prison Ministry is a non-geographical fellowship ministry. We have prisoners all across the U.S. The main goal of our ministry is spiritual encouragement and showing those living in spiritual darkness how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We teach prisoners how to turn their prison cell into a prayer cell. We minister to those who are Orthodox, seeking the Orthodox faith and those of no denomination who are looking for a deeper spiritual life.Ministry help request
Hosanna Communications
Reaching every man, woman, and child with the Word of God and His will for their life.Prayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestMy prayer is that my fiance' be out within a year. The lawyer is working on his case of being falsely arrested, this will either cut his time down or he's released on parole. I truly love him. He has asked me to marry him. I pray and ask God to intervene and bless us so we can be married, live, be together in Christ.