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Featured Ministry
Grace Castle Prison Ministries
As a full-time Volunteer Chaplain, I minister to the needs of inmates in the Mississippi Central Correctional Facility in Pearl, Mississippi. In addition to these duties, in the evening, I conduct a three-hour orientation sessions for all inmates. All inmates are provided a gift package containing: Bible, Bible study course, pen, writing tablet and stamps.Ministry help request
Here's Hope Prison Ministry/Unlost Ministries
Any way that the Lord leads you, but mainly in prayer. When we pray for each other-----great things happen and they do not happen without prayer.Prayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestPlease pray for my family and in particular my 15 year old daughter who has been hiding a pregnancy from us for seven months. Just discovered this two days ago. My heart aches for how she was shackled by keeping this a secret for so long. Praise God for bringing the situation to light and pray for our wisdom, strength and knowledge to handle the unknowns of this situation with compassion and grace.