You are at the website whose purpose is to bring under one Internet roof all Prison Ministries involved in crime prevention and in the rehabilitation through the Word of God worldwide.
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Featured Ministry
Abraham Low Self-Help Systems
Abraham Low Self-Help Systems is a merger of Recovery International and The Abraham Low Institute. Recovery International was founded in 1937 and consists of more than 500 community-based peer-led self-help meetings in North America and beyond, telephone meetings and online forums. The Abraham Low Institute was founded in 1989 and developed The Power to Change for Schools and The Power to Change for Corrections.Ministry help request
Chuck Campbell Prison Ministry
Prayer warriors, and financial support for on-going outreach programs. We are also looking for other interested prison ministry partners to join us in this effort. There are 5 prisons, and over 4,000 inmates in the region. Currently, only Chuck & Vickie Campbell are committed to serve in Karelia on a long-term missionary-status basis. We need more workers!Prayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestplease pray for me and my husband as well as our children .he has been incaritied,he only has to serve 180 days ,we didn't even expect to have that. .anyway he has alot of different health issues also please pray for him to get well and come home early on good time. he is a very caring person and faithful heart also ,he is in on a cds charge for med ,from2 1/2 years ago he has changed his life so much since than .