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BCCT Outreach & Prison Ministry
I've got just one question: Did you receive when you believed? If you are looking for a ministry where you can get to the next level with God, tired of playing church and haven't received any of the gifts of the spirit than, you're in the right place. Contact us and receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Garanteed your life will never be the same. B.C.C.T. Outreach Ministries 1816 N. Main Street, Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701 The last and only ministry you'll ever have to call.Ministry help request
Crossroads Prison Ministries India
Rehabilitation of released prisoners is the need of the hour now in this country. At present we have our rehabilitation programme going on in a rented flat in a housing society. But there are a lot of of opposition from the pepole around because it is a residential premise. Therefore we would like to have a rehabilitationPrayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestPlease pray for Willie Simmons in Jesus name may his journey home be safe and speedy. let him know that he is always in my prayers .