You are at the website whose purpose is to bring under one Internet roof all Prison Ministries involved in crime prevention and in the rehabilitation through the Word of God worldwide.
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and 27 other supporters.
Total: $1441 USD donated.
Our goal — $4000 USD to rebuild the Network, make it Mobile Device friendly.
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Featured Ministry
Extended Hand Ministries
Extended Hand Ministries is a Prayer, Care and Share Outreach to Shut ins. Sharing the Unconditional Love of Jesus Christ to all who'll listen.Ministry help request
Spirit Light Outreach
Dear God, thank you for everything you give. Thank you for that golden thread the Holy Spirit linking your gunship to you. Thank you for the tool of true forgiveness that removes all guilt, meaningless unworthiness & fear: for reminding me that I am not this body but spirit in Your likeness, as I live every moment in the knowledge that You are with me always.Prayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestPlease pray for my son Brandon, who is in the Buncombe County Jail.