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Prison Ministry Guinea
Prison Ministry Guinea activities are based on (Mathew 25:35) they respond to the needs of prisoners, ex-prisoners, victims and their families.Ministry help request
True Justice Ministry
Please pray for Freddie, Buckey, the family of Ray S., Kevin R., Ron H. Tim, Jim, Dylan, Angel, Lorie, Jeff, Jared, Joe, Jimmy, From Church and community: Blind Joe & Doc, Terrie, Dave B., Pete, Todd, Theo, Jane, Curt, Mike's family, Kevin, Kathy, Laura, Cindy, Gwen, Glenn, Dave. Tim, Trevor, Ann M., Sylvia S., Kathy B., Rose, Amos, Doug, Ron, Armed Services men and women. those out of work, alcoholics and drug adicts, homeless and hungry, lost souls, unspokens.Prayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestMy son is incarcerated at the Hightower prison for something that he isaccused of but didn`t do. Raping his niece but he didn't do it; Please pray that he will be parolled out in April 2008. His name is William D. Hunter#1308220. Thank you!