Compassion Ministries

"I can Do all things through Christ who strengthneth me." Phil 4 : 13

Who We Are

We are " Compassion Ministries", we just started this few Days back.The Lord has called me and my husband in the work of the Lord and His mission in these last days. Very lately we decided to start this ministry which will involve ministering among the "OPPRESSED" as per Proverbs 16:19. Hence to minister among the prisoners is one of the ministering goals of Compassion. This will be the first time we are doing this. Amen

Our Vision

"To minister among the Oppressed" as per Proverbs 16:19 is our Vision.

Types Of Activity

To minister among the Poor & needy, Destitute, abandoned etc will be our activities.

Support In

Kindly pray that God will expand the boundaries of this ministry and we should be able to accomplish the Vision successfully!


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