Who We Are
We are a purely evangelistic non denominational ministry with a focus on sharing the Gospel and teaching Christians to do the same. We have a big focus on prisons but work across the board to reach the lost. Previously working as the prison ministry for Avanti ministries which has now closed. Escape now has life of its on and continues to be a faith based ministry reaching prisoners and communities with The Gospel.
Our Vision
To Reach the whole world with the Gospel as The Lord Jesus commands us to do do in Mark 16:15 and to teach as many Christians as we can now to do evangelism therefore fulfilling the job description given to the 5 fold ministry giftings as set out in Ephesians 4:11-12
Types Of Activity
We are often invited to share our testimonies and The Gospel in all manner of outreach events inside and outside of prison. Training and equipping Christians in effective evangelism
UK, New Zealand, Zambia, France, Germany, Ukraine, South Africa, India and Romania
About Our Prison Ministry
We are a faith based ministry and do not charge for what we do, if the organisation inviting is able to help with travel arrangements then this can speed up our commitment.
Support In
More opportunities to share the Gospel
More opportunities to teach and equip Christians into evangelism
More volunteers to become prison writers
A team of accountable Christians to come on board
Contact PrisonMinistry.net regarding this listing