A House of Prayer for All People

To serve Mankind by doing visits to those unable to go to the church of their choice but would like visits bible readings and bible study while they are shut in, hospitalized and incarcerated.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son tha who so ever believes on Him would not perish but have Ever Lasting Life.

Who We Are

I have been preaching the ministry of Christ since 1985 serving in the Chicago south side community, Rockford Ail, Loves Park, IL , and Belvidere, IL.

Our Vision

My vision is to do missionary work in the Prisons Systems in Illinois, Arizona, Kansas, New Mexico areas. To do Bible studies and do religious volunteering visits to those shut in homes, facilities hospitals and prisons.

Types Of Activity

To work as a religious volunteer to do visits for those that get no visitors, do. bible reading, bible study and just be a source of religious visitor for those that would like to go to church but cannot to include personal bible studies.


My vision is to start doing prison ministry.

About Our Prison Ministry

I would love to also join your ministry school for my love is to continue to learn and love the teachings and witnessing about Jesus Christ.

Support In

I pray Heavenly Father to be an instrument and tool for you to use me anyway that you wish to use me in missionary work and the prisons systems and where ever the need is great to do the will of our Heavenly Father.


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