Ministering/Mentoring Persons Achieving Change

MPAC--Ministry to Persons Affected (by) Crime is as comprehensive "stakeholder strategy" designed to target persons God is calling from their addiction to criminal thinking so they can learn to "let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus."

Isa. 42:6-7 - I, the Lord . . .will make you to be a covenant for the people . . .to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those wh…

Who We Are

The Kingdom Of God Unity Ekklesia Ministries, Inc. , a cyberspace congregation, sponsors this initiative. We teach and train persons being called out of crime and prison lifestyles how to make the arduous trek from crime to contribution, and onward to become disciple-making disciples. We specialize in working with recidivists, both those currently incarcerated and others living in society.

Our Vision

We envision teams of disciple-making disciples across this nation working with other "living stones" being called out of crime and incarceration lifestyles. Our mantra is Isa. 42:5-7. We "see" all the stakeholders working together to become effective instruments in God's hands to preach the gospel of the kingdom and to make disciples.

Types Of Activity

Educating and training the non-incarcerated stakeholder groups. Assessing incarcerated stakeholders, as well as those in community corrections programs in state and federal prisons nationally. We also teach and train the other stakeholder groups how to successfully advocate for those achieving change.


Currently, we focus on helping men incarcerated at the Federal Correctional Complex in Butner, NC to achieve competent communication and leadership skills, using the Toastmasters model. We develop and counsel Gavel Clubs. We plan to expand this initiative into state prisons beginning 2012. We also plan to develop another initiative with the federal Bureau of Prisons to work with both staff and inmates on successful reentry principles.

About Our Prison Ministry

God's vision to us is work on a continuum of change that includes "removing barriers," such as insufficient and inadequate housing; and an insufficiency of career-focused employment opportunities. We also work to help those being called out of this lifestyle to remove the "grave clothes" of "stinking thinking" and inappropriate behavior.

Support In

Pray with us for sufficient laborers for this comprehensive ministry in the Western NC. Conference of the AME Church (84 congregations), throughout the Second Episcopal District (NC, VA,DC and MD), and even the entire AME Connectional Church. May God richly bless His work through us!


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