International Network of Prison Ministries

Home of 4916 Prison Ministries, Chaplains, Ministry Volunteers
and Helpful Ministry Resources in 113 countries.

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to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly [places], according to the eternal purpose whic…

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  • Permanent Ministry page in this Directory;
  • Simple, easy to read, understand and evaluate Ministry page layout;
  • Your Ministry Events published on the front page of the website;
  • Your Prayer request published on the front page of INPM site;
  • Permanent email address;
  • Secure, spam-free email form;
  • Unlimited incoming emails through the website;
  • Donations collection;
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  • Your Ministry newsletter subscription;
  • Ability to communicate with all of INPM by a single click through moderated Newsgroup;
  • Access to Prison Ministry documents, manuals, publications;
  • Advanced Cross-Search Prison Ministry Engine;
  • Top 3 listings of INPM in any search engine for "Prison Ministry" search;
  • Traffic-generating Webring for your website;
  • Interactive INPM Membership Certificate for your website;
  • Options to change category INPM membership to "Supporter", "Member", "Supported Ministry", "Guest" or "Friends and Family of Inmates"
  • Ministry affiliation indication (ACA, COPE, GNJPM, etc.);
  • Church ministry belonging to indication;
  • Low-cost domain registry, hosting and site creation;
  • Trouble-ticket based technical support;
  • Full control and unlimited updates of member's pages.

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