International Network of Prison Ministries

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John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Records 21 - 30 from 199 sign guestbook

2009-08-07 19:48:48
Sometimes the things we might feel are terrible occurances in our lives, turn out to be the best things that have ever happened to us. I am an ex- offender, recently released from prison, and grateful for the experience. I had a lot of time to reflect, and time to learn, and I read more of God's Word in less than one year than I've read in my whole life before that. It's really a great thing, this website, and how MANY MANY people and organizations are reaching out to prisoners. Thank you everyone, and keep up the good work!! I am "one down", and you have so many more to go, but I am walking, living, breathing proof that criminals CAN rehabilitate, and prisoners CAN reform their lives, and even from the worst of situations, God CAN free us, and release us from our chains.


2009-07-21 21:47:51
I have almost completed a book entitled God's Comeback Kids. It is a study of several characters in the Bible who "messed up," and were able to "come back." It emphasizes hope, forgiveness, and God's love for His children. . . even when they fail and are flawed in some way. One of my greatest desires would be to be able to place a copy in every prison library possible. But I need help. I'd like to partner with some already established prison ministry and ask others to make the books available for use in their ministries. I am not set up as a non-profit organization, but would like to ask friends to purchase some copies and make them available for distribution by a trustworthy group. If someone is interested, I can make sample chapters available by email and discuss details. My prayers are for those of you who serve lonely and sometimes forgotten children of God. And I pray for the prisoners and their families as well.
Don Kimrey D7F33

Don Kimrey

2009-07-17 12:02:41
Yes I work in a youth prison and I am so glad to see there are other people out there who care as much about the men and women. I love write letters and pray so if you are in need of any help in this department let me know.

Angele Smith

2009-07-16 07:22:35
Hello...Iam a german christian from germany and Iam reaching out for penpals in prison. Iam 36 years old, working as a nurse in a school for handycaptpeople.

In two month I will visit california for 4 weeks with my husband;)

I dont know what should write more about me, just I love Jesus and I try to follow Him with all my life.

I prefer a ladypenpal cause Iam married.

My adress is Gabriela Eglinsky, Bergstr, 42, 42105 Wuppertal Germany

Iam looking forward for a letter, bless you, Gabriela


2009-07-08 00:14:06
Wanted to know more about what is going on and if there is anyway we might be able to help

Dr Bonnie J Thomas

2009-05-29 16:56:02
Kairos goes into prisonstwice a year

2009-05-23 10:54:03
may God all you ask Amen.


2009-05-10 17:59:07
Pray for my wife


2009-05-09 02:56:18
Здравствуйте, Сергей Тараненко, наш вопрос к Майку Мак Кой и к Вам: Господь ведет нас, христиан Казахстана: 2 женщин и одного мужчину в открытии Реабилитационно-учебного центра для осужденных подростков в Казахстане, в частности под г. Алматы. Проект разработан, осужденных посещаем уже4 года, нами налажено сотрудничество с пенитенциарной системой Казахстана, с государственными и общественными структкрами. Нам государство выделило 2 участка земли 12 гектар и 6 гектар под эти центры. Сегодня готовимся к тендеру Всемирного банка, чтоб выйграть деньги для строительства этих центров, на это требуется немалые средства, у нас готова проектно-сметная документация, ведуться переговоры со строительной компанией...То есть мы совершаем шаги веры, поэтапно, как говорит Господь. Церкви, членами которых мы являемся, нас не поддерживают, говорят: "не наше видение...", они перестали обращать на нас внимание, мы для них как "назойливые мухи". Пусть Господь благословит их. Всю подготовительную работу мы проделали за 1 год, обращались к местным государственным, социальным органам, бизнес структурам, везде отказ, говорят, что это не сироты, что им помогать. Мы не бизнесмены, заняты только проектом, работаем больше года без зарплаты, Слава Богу за его заботу... Мы просим откликнуться тех, кому Бог положит на сердце помочь нам финансово. Мы верим что Господь приготовил таких людей нам в помощь. Мы можем прислать вам все наши презентационные документы переведенные на английский язык, с земельными документами, а так же с с нашими фотографиями осужденных подростков и женщин с которыми мы работаем. Мы юридически зарегистрированная организация: "Общественный Фонд "Дом Надежды", нас 3 человека, мы все христиане с 10-15 летним стажем, из разных церквей г.Алматы. Пусть Господь благословит вас так сильно чтобы вы могли помочь нам и нашим осужденным подросткам. Наш фактический адрес регистрации: Казахстан, г.Алматы, ул. Ауэзова 111 кв. 2
телефоны: рабочий 2778261, мобильный 87012325352 директор Фонда Акимеева Асель
(она говорит и пишет по английски). GOD BLESS YOU!!!


2009-02-27 00:06:03
Your site is helpful to all prisoners worldwide. I represent the SKPM or the Susi Ng Katarungan Prison Ministries (SKPM), Inc. In english this translates to Key of Justice Prison Ministries. I am personally using my own funds and salary to support this prison ministry and we are presently incurring deficit of $2,000 or in the Philippine currency, P100,000.00 We have helped freed about 20 prisoners through our para-legal services. However, we can no longer support our humanitarian services (food, clothing, medical/dental for the prisoners because our funds is not even enough for communications (mails and transport for
the documents to different courts nationwide). I hope your generous donors will read this.
