You are at the website whose purpose is to bring under one Internet roof all Prison Ministries involved in crime prevention and in the rehabilitation through the Word of God worldwide.
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and 27 other supporters.
Total: $1441 USD donated.
Our goal — $4000 USD to rebuild the Network, make it Mobile Device friendly.
We still need $2559 USD. Change this number right now, by donation through Pay-pal or check.
Featured Ministry
Jubilee Enterprises
Jubilee Enterprises is commited to help carry out the commission of Isaiah 61:1-3. To facilitate this, Jubilee Enterprises -- through its publishing house: AFS Publishing Company, publishes addiction and violence prevention and recovery literature, and provides self-help and counselor/pastor/chaplain training through its educational arm: AFS Family Skills Institute.Ministry help request
Tucker Institute of Execution Extinction
Please pray for victims, law makers, & death penalty abolition. Currently, assistance sending cards mentioned above is needed. We need to get media savvy ASAP to most effectively widen the circle. Given the recent coverage of the Casey Anthony death penalty case, please pray the women on death row can bravely capture the media's attention widely revealing the need for abolition. Overall, tell any & everyone facts & stories of death penalty injustices!Prayer Request of the Hour
Add your prayer requestI am in the process of compiling different prayers, or the way one talks to God, for a new book that I am hoping to be published. If you would like to contribute, please email me. Sincerely,