Who We Are
We operate a website designed to be the online forum where all individuals, advocacy organizations and political entities actively involved or impacted in the corrections systems can meet to air their opinions, concerns, ideas, and recommendations aimed at system reform, such as improved rehabilitation and reentry programs for inmates, all directed to reduce recidivism rates.
Our Vision
Our vision is to publish prison-oriented news and authored commentary that is presented in a professional thoroughly complete manner aimed at keeping readers up to date on issues of importance in greater detail than available elsewhere. We are more like a magazine, and are not a blog. Our major concern is inmate success in life after release.
Types Of Activity
Managing, writing and editing a periodic online publication. Keeping up with activity related to our vision, and soliciting commentary authored by experienced experts in their field.
In addition to operating the website, we visit inmates at Monroe County Detention Center three times weekly. Our efforts are centered around presenting Christian movies, listening to inmate concerns, praying with inmates, and distributing Gideon pocket testaments. (We are Gideons).
Books we have published
Pondering Life's Imponderables by Chuck Van Soye, Trafford Publications, Amazon, 100 pages, price varies.About Our Prison Ministry
Website being maintained online even though site lacks regular new material. Base of articles presented remain valuable to readers, now viewing site about 1500 times monthly.
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