Who We Are
This ministry began in 1991 when a newsletter was developed by two inmates (Chip and Ben) in Illinois. hey typed, drew, cut, and pasted the newsletter together and made copies in the Chapel to distribute to other inmates. Later, a MOMM volunteered to type the articles for them if they would write the stories and testimonies. Today, over 900 newsletters are printed and mailed bi-monthly throughout the US and emailed to ministries around the world for translation into native languages.
Our Vision
The ultimate dream of this ministry is to continue to enable the imprisoned to share their experiences while spreading the Word of Christ and encouraging others to receive Him as their own personal Savior. By doing that, not only will the inmates grow in spirit by helping others, but those to whom they are ministering can receive the kind of peace that is only obtainable by personally knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Types Of Activity
Letting prisoners know that they are loved by Christ is our number one goal. We are accepting names and addresses of inmates that love to write Christian stories, either fiction or non-fiction, biographical or poetry about God. We also welcome drawings that could add to the Christian flavor of the newsletter. God has given many of the prisoners great talents that are lying dormant in those prison cells. This is an opportunity for them find a revitalized feeling of self worth.
The Fishers of Men Newsletter reaches into prisons throughout the United States, Canada and into countless homes via the internet. The poems, stories and testimonies are still written by inmates as they share the saving news of Jesus Christ with others.
Our magazine (newsletter)
The Fishers of Men Newsletter is published bi-monthly. It is mailed to over 1,000 inmates and sent to several prison chaplains for distribution around the United States. Also, the ministry is reaching countless others via the internet.Books we have published
Daily Devotional by Bro. Walter Oswald currently being typed and edited for final publication.About Our Prison Ministry
In recent months, God has truly blessed this ministry. It has grown by leaps and bounds to reach out to thousands of inmates and their families as well as other prison ministries searching for a meaningful direction for their programs.
Support In
We are blessed by volunteers who are helping type information that is sent to the ministry in hand written transcripts. We are searching for Christian helpmates to verify inmate addresses prior to the mailing of the newsletter. Because God gave a child of His a vision, His work is being done here on earth. If your church would like to sponsor Fishers of Men as a Mission, please contact me for information. Please pray for sponsors to assist this ministry.
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