Who We Are
George spent 12 1/2 years in a Michigan prison. It was a place that God used as a classroom to teach me of Himself, of His great love for us, and of the restoration available to us as a free gift from His gracious and forgiving heart. Within me is the desire to spend the remainder of my life "throwing starfish back into the water." If you don't know what that means, please contact me so I can share it with you. If you do know, please pray with me for the next starfish.
Our Vision
Our goal is to be a conduit through which God might distribute His blessings. Our hearts are in the field of ex-offender aftercare -- and, all we want to do is help somebody whose just been released find hope in the new reality s/he discovers when exiting a prison's doors so being truly free is experientially true for them.
Types Of Activity
As we become aware of the date of a Christian inmate's release from prison, we generally, by mail, try to discover what their strengths and weaknesses are, and try to find employment on the Internet that matches them. We also put out a newsletter periodically to share with men in prison, and make it available by E-mail attachment to those who may be interested in it.
Although there are several inmates we interact with outside the state of Michigan, our primary mission field is within the Michigan prison system. Pen-palling is important to me as we take advantage of every opportunity God grants us to build up His incarcerated body. Our magazine (newsletter) is mailed out free to inmates, and is available on request via email.
Our magazine (newsletter)
We send out a daily Bible study via e-mail and would love to share it with you.About Our Prison Ministry
George took his walk down the Emmaus Road in November 1998, the Keryx (aka Kairos) Ministry is of the utmost importance to him, and we seek ways to support it, or its newly-released graduates, in any way we can.
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