Who We Are
Our Ministry was founded in July 2003, Serving the incarcerated and their families in the State Of Michigan. Today Lifeline Prison Ministry has become one of the largest Prison Ministries in the United States with 5,106 dedicated Christian volunteers serving in one or more of the twenty-two (22) programs we provide for the incarcerated and their families.
Our Vision
1. To bring the hope to the incarcerated and their families through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
2. To increase Christian programming in our correctional facilities providing a variety of venues to positively impact the lives of the incarcerated and their families.
Types Of Activity
letter writing .....children summer camps, children mentoring ..... visitation teams...One Day With God Camps .... Celebrate Recovery Inside programs .... Inmate re-entry programs...Worship teams into the prisons and jails.,,, Canine-inmate training programs. - Vocational training - Love Bus transportation for families to visit incarcerated loved one .
Our dedicated volunteers serve in all Twenty-nine (29) state of Michigan correctional facilities and all eighty-three (83) county jails.
Our magazine (newsletter)
None at presentAbout Our Prison Ministry
We are non-denominational.... we feel its vitally important to not only walk into the prisons or jails to the inmates, but provide Christian love, support and caring as we follow the inmate and help him/her assimilate back into their families and into society.
While we mentor the inmate on the inside, we mentor the children and family on the outside.
Support In
Pray for grant money and that Christ continues to open doors to the prisons and that our volunteers be blessed with the Holy spirit in bringing the hope, peace and love of Jesus Christ to those incarcerated and their families.
Contact PrisonMinistry.net regarding this listing