Who We Are
We are a 501c3 nonprofit corporation founded in 1998 to provide diverse and comprehensive support services to the incarcerated community. We do not accept stamps or stamped envelopes in lieu of the $75.00 annual subscription fee or other fee based services. We do not make on-site visits to jails and prisons.
Our Vision
The sad reality is that individuals released from prison have limited, if any, resources to cope with the demands and responsibilities of "free world" life. We offer a safety net of constructive options to improve their chances of success and reduce recidivist behaviors.
Types Of Activity
We offer a variety of programs for inmates,their families and at-risk youth. In addition, we provide free monthly newsletters, toys for children of prisoners, Bibles, books, one-page webpage linked to our website, summer camp and mentoring program, post-release referrals for food, furniture, vocational training, clothing and GED preparation. We do not provide housing or employment. For more detailed information on programs and services offered, send us a SASE to receive a free brochure.
We minister to prisoners throughout the US and in Africa.
Our magazine (newsletter)
The Prisoners Resource Clearinghouse, Inc. Newsletter is published monthly and costs $75.00 a year. We do not provide sample copies or complimentary subscriptions.About Our Prison Ministry
Our faith-based organization serves "prisoners" and not prisons; we minister to "individuals" and not institutions.
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