Who We Are
At Free America Radio Network, we do Victim and Prison Out-reach Programming in a Seven-Day-A-Week Series called: We Are All Doing Time. Our slogan is: "It doesn't matter whether you are on the inside, or on the outside, we are all doing time!"
Our Vision
We are The Real Public Radio, We are the common ground, where uncommon minds can meet, and then breathe the common air together. Our motto is: "Making this a better world!"
Types Of Activity
We are "The Media" giving people a place to tell their own story, and then trying to introduce them to a variety of important researchers and all other avenues of possible solutions, dealing with their specific problem.
Our magazine (newsletter)
We have a weekly news-letter generated by e-Mail called: The Wealth-Stream Adviser; our greatest "wealth" being You and I !Books we have published
We have for Free Down-load on our web-site, the definitive work called: The Twelve Articles On The Natural Organic Right Of Man.About Our Prison Ministry
We are doing forty-five hours of victim and prison programming each week and we are looking for people who want to "Host" some of these time slots, while keeping their own "story" or "mission" alive. We are the "largest gathering of victim and prison out-reach people doing this sort of radio in History !
Contact PrisonMinistry.net regarding this listing