Who We Are
A Biblical Based Ministry spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.
Our Vision
To honor the great commission : Mark 16: 15-16 Go ye into the entire world, preach to gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned.
Types Of Activity
Mail out monthly lessons and bible tracts. House of Christ Radio Ministry- Proclaiming Jesus Christ throughout the world and honoring the great commission. Every Wednesday and Sundays at 8:30pm (Eastern Standard Time).
We would like to Minister at the leading of the Holy Spirit through monthly news letter and study materials or as needed.
About Our Prison Ministry
We are affiliated to the House of David School of Ministries located in Valley Stream New York, which offers correspondence courses leading up to Aspiring Ministers Level.
Support In
Pray for House of Christ Ministries Inc and the House of David Ministries Inc will grow to impact the world.
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