Omega Tribune Ministry

Omega Tribune is the first phase of a non-denominational one-man Christian evangelical outreach ministry for both the marginalized outside of prison and those in prison.

1 Corinthians 13:13 - And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Who We Are

Omega Tribune is a publishing ministry focusing on evangelicalism and End Time Bible Prophecy. Editor and Writer, Kori Lane Lake, spent 15 years in prison for Assault and Robbery. Kori has been out of prison for 2 years now and has not forgotten those he left behind the walls. A former racist, Kori advocates pacifism and equality.

Our Vision

Omega Tribune Ministries wants to evangelize and carry out the Great Commission to preach the Gospel to all nations before the End.

Types Of Activity

Omega Tribune newsletter, future youtube video posts, tract publishing, political activism against the Washington felony Persistent Prison Misbehavior law, the Death Penalty, and Abortion, and Ending the Wars, prison reform.


Omega Tribune will send inmates sponsored by a gift subscription the newsletter or specials tracts.

Our magazine (newsletter)

Omega Tribune is a 4-page newsletter mailed by First Class Mail. It is a monthly and an annual subscrition is $36.

Books we have published

Walking the Walk, Talking the Talk, By Kori Lane Lake, 60+ Pages, Free at no Cost, PDF Format at Omega Tribune website.

About Our Prison Ministry

Omega Tribune is not tax exempt and is legally a business. IRS will allow religious organizations to engage in politics.

Support In

Please pray that Christians wake up to the fact that the Antichrist is coming soon.


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