Who We Are
The ministry is sharing of God's Good News everywhere that it is accepted and received. Our goal is to share our precious Salvation with all. In 1996 it started with 1 inmate and as of this update we have over 200 names of active members
Este ministerio es para compatir La Palabra de Dios adonde quiera que es recibida. Nuestra meta es llevar el precioso Plan de Salvacion con todos. Empezamos en el 1996 con solo un preso, y ahora para la gracia de Dios tenemos mas de 200 miembros activos
Our Vision
To train up other believers to follow and take their commission. We are given open orders by our Captain Jesus Christ. He told us to Get church groups involved in the corresponding and sharing with inmates.
Somos siervos de Dios, tenemos que entrenarnos y educarnos para ejecutar la gran comision de Jesus. Notificar a las iglesias de coresponder y compatir con los presos. Empoderarar a cristianos que las nies tambien estan en las carceles y prisiones.
Types Of Activity
Correspondence, sharing tracts with testimonies, messages and poems. Pen friends throughout the United States. Coordinating and sharing information for the outreach to families. Giving hope and gearing the inmates for the life out side the bars.
Correspondencia, imprimir y distribuir tratados con testimonios, mensajes y poemas. Compartiendo informacion a las familias. Preparar al preso y dar esperanza para cuando salga.
Through mail to most of the states in the USA, Puerto Rico and Africa, and sharing with them the good news of Jesus Christ!
Escribimos a presos en todo el estados unidos, africa e india compartiendo las Buenas Nuevas de Jesucristo!
Our magazine (newsletter)
Books we have published
1. From a General in the Devil's Army to a Soldier in GOD's2. Don't even think it, you can't take it with you. (Eng/Spa)
3. My Bloody Thirsty Life (Eng/Spa)
4. Testimony of Victor Valentin
5. God Healed my Epilepsy
More printed and more to come..
About Our Prison Ministry
We're an information Center for the Inmates, their families and Victims & their family. Joining A C E S - NA a foreign ministry in the Dominican Republic. Where deported ex-prisoners have begun ministries, community medical and health projects there. God is blessing this endeavor please join in and sponsor these projects. If you want to join in writing to inmates please let us know.
Support In
Prayer for increase in Christian inmates, interesting articles, stories, poems, short thoughts, if you know someone who needs to hear the Word send us their name and address. Interested and caring persons to help seed this ministry. We neeed volunteers, stamps, cards of any occasion, & envelopes for the ministry.
La oraciones para que Dios siga bendiciondonos con el crecimiento de este ministerio. Si usted conocer un preso en confianza mandenos la informacion para nosotros escribirle.
Contact PrisonMinistry.net regarding this listing