Sal-t Youth Christian Music Ministry

Our ministry is a family youth Christian music one, god gave us the talents,lyrics,music, ect so we can reach christian and no christians in spanish and english taking the massage of salvation, and eternal life.

Mathew 5:13 - you are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless,whth what should it be salted? it is not longer good for anything...

Who We Are

We are a youth christian music ministry, taking the message of jesus christ to the nations, we play and ministry in english and spanish.

Our Vision

To reach the youths of this generation with the gospel of Jesus.

Types Of Activity

Alternative Christian music, testimonies, altar call.


Youth correctional centers, please visit our website at the link "places we visited".

Books we have published

We have three cd's two in english and one in spanish at $12.00 each.

About Our Prison Ministry

We are an evangelic ministry, we visit any denomination or place where we can preach and glorify Jesus.

Support In

Our ministry and financial needs so we can reach the nations for His glory.


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