Bay Area Jail Ministry

Our ministry is dedicated to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. By His Grace we have been saved, and because of His Love for us, we are able to tell others of His Love for them. John 14:6-7 tells us that Jesus is the "ONLY WAY" to the Father and we believe this and want to share it with others. Please keep our ministry in your prayers. Thank you and God bless your efforts for Jesus.

James 1:5 - If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all men generously and without holding back anything, and it will be given him.

Who We Are

Bay Area Jail Ministry was started by the Salvation Army in 1935 and has ministered at the Brown County Jail in Green Bay, Wisconsin ever since. This ministry has been used by God to influence many to realize the value of a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. By His Grace lives have been changed and better paths are being walked. X-inmates are now a value to the community, working toward being better people ... praise God!

Our Vision

Our vision is to reach as many inmates as possible, through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to share with them the fact that their lives do not have to continue the way they are. We believe God can change each of us, by His Grace and presence in our lives, into who and what He intended us to be. We incorporate ideas for a new direction, and encourage a plan, so that the changes desired become a reality in order to help others!

Types Of Activity

We share personal testimonies, read scriptures from the Bible, encouraging all who attend in a variety of ways. Our message has been, and always will be, one of "Hope" to help inmates realize that God can give each of us all the tools necessary for change. Our ministry has always been totally self supported and follow up with a support group called G.B.A. (God Before Anything) which meets at 515 S. Monroe every Thursday at 6:00 P.M. to 8:15 P.M.


Brown County Jail 3030 Curry Lane and Brown County Work Release center 128 S. Adam St. Green Bay Wi

About Our Prison Ministry

Volunteers are as follows:

Donald Piontek (senior volunteer) 38 years, Joseph Albers 35 years, Otto Konoche 35 years, Peter Schwarzenbart 12 years, Daniel Walczyk 10 years, Michael Oettinger 38 years, John Tefanthal 6 years, Dennis Fabian 6 years, Burt Slye 30 years (no longer with us) and new members 2012 - Ken Brennen 2 years, Wayne Junio 2 years and Gary Noskowiak 2 years.

Support In

Please continue to pray for us, that God will keep the doors of these facilities open to us and that we are allowed to expand to help more as time passes. This is a wonderful ministry, and those of us who have been a part of it, have seen miracles and many lives changed by the Lord.


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