Who We Are
This is one-man pen pal ministry. I'm a sister of inmate and through this situation God told me to start writing inspirational letters to inmates.
Our Vision
My vision is to keep Christ in the prisons and to allow all inmates no matter what denomination they are to attend services. I am hoping to be able to help inmates continue to progress through Jesus Christ and to be able to walk free on this earth again.
Types Of Activity
I write to inmates and hear their concerns about the abuse and such within the prisons. I am also concerned about the Officers because of what is going on in the prisons. I am on both sides of these bars with an inmate as a brother and a knowing many Officers. My goal is to have inmates treated as humans and for all to be safe.
Western Correctional Institution in Cumberland, Maryland. These are the inmates I write to. I do not get to the prison because it is too far.
Support In
Please pray for my ministry and for both - my brother and my son. My brother is really bad off right now and feels he may be dying. There is a military officer who is giving the inmates problems and I am concerned about the safety because of what some of the officers are doing. They do not like the fact that they have come back from Iraq and that there are inmates who remind them of being there by being a Muslim.
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