Who We Are
My ministry volunteers at the Helping Up Mission For Men. We also do volunteer work at My Sisters Place for displaced women and children. In addition,we provide clothing to the needy,and we operate a food pantry for the hungry. We conduct employment readiness classes. We also link up with other agencies for referrals for GED training.
Our Vision
Our vision is to empower those in the community who are the brokenhearted, poor,and the needy. By spreading the good news of the gospel. That the Lord will never leave them nor forsake them. We are very much interested in preaching the gospel in the Women's Prisons and being soul winners for Jesus Christ.Amen.
Support In
Pray over our ministry that the right doors be opened and the wrong doors be closed. May the Lord bless us with strong christisn faith people who have a passion to help others.
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