Making Others Righteous Prison Ministry, Inc.

A Christ-centered poetry/rap prison ministry based out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that consists of a small group of individuals who travel and perform for adult and juvenile prisoners all over the U.S. and the world. We have been in prisons in 45 states and the Bahamas, Panama, Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania.

Mark 1:17 - Follow Me and I will make you Fishers of Men.

Who We Are

We use preaching, hip-hop, poetry, and, story-telling in order to spread the Word of God to inmates in adult and juvenile facilities. The ministry started in 2004 under the vision of Pastor Omar Fisher and as of 2024 we have ministered in 45 states and 7 countries. You can hear our Christ-centered music and poetry on our website or look us up on Itunes under Pastor Omar Fisher.

Our Vision

To introduce and encourage the incarcerated to live a life that is glorifying to Jesus Christ by meeting their spiritual and physical needs.

Types Of Activity

Pen-pal, Poetry, Rap, Preaching, Donations of Bibles to Inmates, Helping Inmates get back on their feet.


We have ministered in the U.S.A., Panama, Bahamas, Tanzania, Mozambique, and Malawi and are looking for more opportunities nationally and abroad.

Our magazine (newsletter)

please see our website which has regular updates

Books we have published

Confrontations, Finding Faith Behind Bars by Adarrel Omar Fisher
Consequences by Adarrel Omar Fisher


Support In

Please pray that we continue to have the funds to keep helping out the inmates that we have met and to keep traveling to meet new ones who maybe in need of help. Pray that we continue to have the time and creativity to keep writing and the energy to keep performing.


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