Who We Are
The Tanzania Prison Ministry started in 2008, it was the ministry of the Eying church of Christ Mission, after which we involved various churches to carry the mission of Jesus Christ together to reach the prisoners of the gospel. Currently we have churches with whom we partner in almost all regions of Tanzania working in Prison.
Our Vision
1..Reaching prisoners with the Gospel of Jesus.
2. Building chaplaincies in every prison of the country for the prisoners to have access to the gospel.
3. Caring for ex-offender by integrating them in the society after prison.
4. Teaching and training prisoners to fight against and protect themselves against HIV/AIDS.
5. Giving good health to prisoners.
Types Of Activity
Reaching prisoners with the gospel, Contact with families of inmates, Training Program for volunteers who want to serve in the ministry Supplies of the Bibles, and We collect clothes and soap from good people and organizations and bring them to them. Organize weekly meetings in different prisons of the country.
National widely prison ministry, the Zone areas in which we operate are: Northern zone (Tanzania), Southern Highland zone (Tanzania), Western zone (Tanzania), Central Zone (Tanzania), Coastal zone (Tanzania), and Lake Zone (Tanzania)
Our magazine (newsletter)
Newspaper we provide quarterly, three times a year, the information consists of 3 to 5 pages in which everyone is created to contribute $ 2.About Our Prison Ministry
We have an Ex-inmates meeting every year, this meeting aims to encourage the ex-inmate to continue the faith they received while in prison, and to teach some projects to help them run their lives as a farmer workshop, chicken project and other projects. Visit the link during ex-inmate conference https://youtu.be/AEBhm-ghEJI
Support In
Remember us in your prayer for resources support especially we need Bibles , Christian Book, funding to support our ministry works, we also have need transportation such as Ministry vehicle , motor bikes to traveled in remote area of our country (motorbikes are valuable means of transport due to bad road conditions
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