Robert Ortiz Ministries

New Life Prison Ministries is an outreach from Robert Ortiz Ministries whose primary goal is to "Stop the cycle of crime in families and in our community".

Matt 25:39-40 - When..saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one …

Who We Are

Pastor Robert was a volunteer at the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility for six years when he was offered the Chaplaincy in October 2004. He serves as the Volunteer Services Coordinator as well as Facility Chaplin. He now walks as Gods authority in the Facility.

Our Vision

To set men Free from the Lies of Satan. To stop the cycle of crime in families and our community. To disciple and train up ministers who will go into the pit and set other men free.

Types Of Activity

Weekly "In Jail" Bible Studies; outside support for the entire family; weekly church services as well as fellowship dinners; weekly recovery group meetings.


Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Support In

The Harvest is ripe, Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into the field


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