Refined Silver Intercessory Ministry

Refined Intercessory Ministry is a prayer ministry that interceeds for organizations that support prisoners, and people in need of prayer.

2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new crearture: the old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Who We Are

Refined Intercessory Ministries defined interceeds for organizations that line up with the Word of God. Currently Intercessor for Kingdom Church of Brockton,and Interceeding for great things for the New Vision Organization of Brockton, MA.

Our Vision

To Pray without ceasing, being a watchman, and prayer warrior. And to achieve 24 hr. prayer watches through church, and organizations, etc...

Types Of Activity

Coordinating prayer conferences, visiting prisons when ever possible. Working and praying with organizations to accomplish the will of God in the prisons. Speaking engagements, as well as coordinating prayer breakfast, and prison events.


Refined Intercessory Ministries works in conjunction with other prison ministries under the austice of the Holy Spirit providing Intercessory Prayer, Spiritual, emotional support in additon to Christian materials to prisoners, there families and others Nation wide, as well as working with the New Vision Organization.

About Our Prison Ministry

We are open to Interceeding for organiztions in the prison ministry field.

Support In

Refined Intercessory Ministries / that we will have the privilage and blessing of God to pray and accomplish His will for prison organization, and other organizations that are doing the work for the Father. And that the funding resources will be available, and increase so that material can be provided for prisoners when needed.


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